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Spanish Galleon 1607 , LEE(IMAI) 1:100 May 2021 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Good day everybody ,
I continue with anchors and their gears and accesories ,
as references and sources of information I used a few famous books(I think all well known for you) and some contemporaneous artistic paintings of that period , some scans from these books will be posted here as additional material :)
there were a few types of different shapes of anchors bouys in use in that time /16-17th centuries as we could see on the paintings and archeological founds and reconstructions ( Mary Rose anatomia book for example and others...)
John Harland" Seamanship in the age of sail"
SOS 1637 by John McKay
Mary Rose anatomy
Screenshot_20210310-102334_Drive.jpgPicsArt_03-10-11.39.57-1.jpg11 (1).jpg
Cask Buoy - European ca 1425.jpg

Seetonnen or Cask Buoy from Europe ca 1425
... barely coped with the bandage of the barrel of the anchor bouy ,I try to make it from painted paper , cutted in about 0.3 mm strip, and it was max of my ability :)))...
the length of the anchor bouy should be 1/4 of the anchor spindle, diameter -1/8
according to information from John Harland "Seamanship in the age of sail"
And slightly changed the location of the anchor haws and ... so on :)
in short - basically, there were "preparation" for the "design" of the anchor device ...
and at the same time, I was busy with making and preparation of blocks for sheets and brasses of the fore and mains ...

blocks 01.jpganchors and bouys.jpgblocks 02.jpg
fish davit.JPG.jpg
anchor bouy 02.jpganchor bouy.jpgseizing.jpg

Look - there is GUTERMANN SCALA in use for seizing ...highly recommend , it is good stuff for rope making as well
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I had changed the location and shape of the anchor hawse, I had to make an imitation of doubling, since the old anchor hawses were completely at wrong places ))

442144224_anchor03.jpg.3ab78441455d738813861303cdb11177.jpg.jpganchor 04.jpg.jpg

"redesigned" shape of the hinges of the cannon port covers on a new basis, made an imitation with the help of an acrylic contour "dark silver" initially there were no hinges at all ... removed the imitation of ropes for opening the covers ... will be without ropes, previous version was too rough, I did it without ring-ring bolts, and location of the ropes was wrong as well due to entire kit hull design which is just one big misunderstanding :)))
there is obviously lack of space between guns decks, due to such wrong design there are no places for gun lid's hoisting gears and for the deck scuppers as well

hinges 02.jpg.jpg

hinges 01.jpg.jpg
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"reissued" the rudder ... painted in the color of the underwater part, a couple of years ago there were objections that the rudder feather should also be painted, like the underwater part of the hull ... removed the "safety" chains, put the cables ... there are big doubts here , that it is necessary to show them like this ... like there should be only one cable ???
I do not mean a hoist for emergency control, but a cable that would hold the rudder and prevent it from being lost ...
I continue the design \ improvisation \ anchor device, the information from the books by John Harland "Seamanship in the age of sail" and John McKay "SOTS 1637" is taken as a basis ...DSCN6980.JPG.jpgDSCN6981.JPG.jpgDSCN6971.JPG.jpg
Honestly, here I'm just trying to reproduce the working diagrams that are presented in the books, for the sake of interest by and large ... but, how to say, on the scale of the model, this set, the geometry of real engineering structures does not fit well, in the form I reproduced the anchor device on the model, it really won't work :) but here it is, that is ... what Vincenzo Luszi "prescribed", as they say ... you can't jump above your head;)
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I reorganized a little bit "Steering Gear", added emergency tackles ... Again, without a special historical binding, as example , we could see such devices on the William Rex, or Prince William, but I very doubt we could see such arrangements on spanis galleon of 16th. But from other side, why not?... some emergency steering gear in this form or another could exists even in that timeDSCN7027.JPG.jpgDSCN7022.JPG.jpgDSCN7019.JPG.jpgimg009.jpg


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anchors on the marching - as a guide, I took information from J.Harland's book "Seamanship in the age of sail" and from famous paintings where details are visible Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen (about 1575-1633), De Zeeslag bij Gibraltar_ 25 april 1607, Cornelis Claesz. van Wieringen - at least it is clear that the cat block has been dismantled in this case ...Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen (about 1575-1633).jpg2. De Zeeslag bij Gibraltar_ 25 april 1607, Cornelis Claesz. van Wieringen.jpgscan-399.jpgDSCN7099.JPG.jpgDSCN7095.JPG.jpgDSCN7097.JPG.jpgDSCN7111.JPG.jpgDSCN7108.JPG.jpg
anchors on the marching - as a guide, I took information from J.Harland's book "Seamanship in the age of sail" and from famous paintings where details are visible Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen (about 1575-1633), De Zeeslag bij Gibraltar_ 25 april 1607, Cornelis Claesz. van Wieringen - at least it is clear that the cat block has been dismantled in this case …View attachment 244633View attachment 244634View attachment 244635View attachment 244636View attachment 244637View attachment 244638View attachment 244639Not having seen this build log before the amount of very small work and detailing is most impressive and humbling for my own abilities. Extremely complex ship that always has something "new" to see. Excellent outcome. Rich (PT-2)
Thanks Rich for Your interest and comments!
Welcome !
There will be a few more posts till the final stage with flags and banners - condensed report of a few years assembling :)))
A wonderful museum piece. I can hardly tear my eyes away from the details, and from the overall impression too.