Steam pinnace Janet

Hello All
I have a dilemma.
What is best to do on a hull -give a coat of epoxy and fine fiberglass direct on planks , after this a coat of polyester fine filler and spray paint
next variant is polyester fine filler on the wood , sanding , epoxy and fine fiberglass than more sanding and epoxy again and paint
I still have to fill some gaps in wood.
The brass tube for my rudder is 3 mm short of the wooden strips
Personally I would use filler directly onto the wood. This is because the filler normally sticks best to bare wood and is designed to be easy to sand. I suspect that sanding an epoxy mix would be very difficult on a fragile hull.
Hello All!
I am preparing the hull for the fine filler so I put some strips on the bow and sanded them .Got a little sanding overall
Also for the rudder I soldered a brass strip to stay on the wood part ( fun fact , after tightening the screws the strip is arching a bit so no second point of rotation for rudder
Hope to get the hull ready for painting this week
I havent glued the last cabin and deck for easier sanding and painting the hull.
I did today a test with filler over obeche strips , so far is good
the filler has a good adherence on wood and at sanding is smooth
Smell a bit but is ok
After a full hull coverage and sanding what is next , epoxy or just primer and paint spray?
Waiting for an advice from you
Kind regards, Daniel
As you want this to sail I think it depends on how waterproof the filler and paint combination will be Daniel. I suspect they will be fine provided water does not get inside and seep through.
Hello All
I have a very busy work period ,and very little time to work on Janet .
Finnaly I found a coating for prevent tarnishing in brass .
I did a test on how filler works with obeche strips and till now is good
The only drawback is a slight smell the poliester kit has and I work in my appartement so my admiral is not very happy with this
After filler I will have to keep my ship at the office for a duration of time
In Romania now is 40 degrees celsius and is very hot for epoxy .
Preparing to go to my son graduation ,5 years of research in University od Southampton have finished and now He have a Phd in satellite electric motors.
I am a very proud Dad !
Hello All
I am back from England .
So I started to put a little filler here and there and sanded a lot
I have one question-
if the fiberglass in shorter than the model where is best for overlap?
This is first time for me at epoxy a hull with fiberglass
Kind regards, Daniel
Hello All
Operation fiberglass was a so and so success
My mistake was to put a fiberglass cloth very long and even with the help of my wife the damn cloth don t want to stay on its place.
My luck was in a weather with medium temp and good work time of the resin.
I was about 80 percent satisfied .
Today sanding and second application of epoxy
The cloth is barely visible but the folds and shenanigans are seen a bit ( I sanded them )
But will see after the third epoxy layer
Kind regards, Daniel
She is looking very good Daniel, I know what you mean about the fibre glass some days it goes on great and others it can be a problem,
Best regards John,
Hello John , This was a first time for me
Thank you for the comment , I will let to fully cure for 24 hours and after is bath time - will see how is on the water
Hello All !
The moment of trouth!
It is floating and is level in water! I am very pleased with that
Will have to drill the rudder tube and propeller shaft so I can put the blings in and have to see how to finish the hull :fine sanding and primer and spray colour
I am open to advices!
And after that I can continue with cabin decorations.
Kind regards, Daniel
Daniel, chances are you will still find slight imperfections in your hull after final sanding of the glass. In my experience this has not been a problem as I've always used an automotive dent filler which can be easily painted over. I've even used it after priming the hull where imperfections show up. The filler is waterproof and is well sealed with your final paint coats.
Thank you for the reply Fourseas ,
I am interested , What product you use for primer/ filler?
Maybe I will be finding something similar in Europe