Steam pinnace Janet

Hello All
After a week of clogged nose I starter again the work at my model
Last week I was fighting with 3 mm brass sheet for some details and only with filing was going very slow
This week I got a little smarter and bought a jeweler saw a bench pin and some jeweler metal saws .
Started a new bench pin with larger size and first piece is good to polish
Work great .
Hello All,
I did a little wet sanding on my model and today I inspected the result
found some pinholes and places where the paint just jumped ship
So I have to give the filler a second chance and repaint :p
I did the second piece for the aft of the boat
I need an advice , after spray paint need to give a auto clear varnish or is good only with paint?
Kind regards, Daniel
Daniel, I have never used a clear varnish or any other top coating over the final paint job on any of my RC ships. This includes water based or oil based paints. Unless you plan to sail her in acid or paint remover ponds you final paint job with a good quality paint will be just fine. With your fibreglassed hull and well sealed on the inside you will have no problem.

Hello Fourseas ,
My predicament is with the red paint ,after some sanding is a little unstable and is letting red marks when touching cloth or wood.
usually spray can paint stay there after curing .
Will see how it"'s going after the second spray
Hi Daniel, I hope this is not an indication that the fibre glass resin that you used had not completely cured before applying your paint. If that is the case your paint would remain a little sticky, and applying another coat of paint over it may not cure the problem. In the past I have always washed my fiber glass resin down with alcohol in between sanding and never applied paint to a sticky surface.

Hello Jim ,
I usually wait 48 hours for the resin cure.
My problem is with spray paint ( red)
after sanding I use dishwasher liquid soap for cleaning and lot of water . But the red particles from sanding stain all in range.
I covered the pinholes with filler and got the brass windows for the aft cabin wall
Hello All
Second painting is so and so
Despite my careful masking the black was very penetrating and is over the white band
Will see in 24 hours when I will evaluate the damage and give some white paint where is needed
After will put a clear varnish to fix the colours in place
Hello All,
I just get out the masking tape and found I have a lot of touch up to do
I got the construction masking tape not the auto making tape so I got a lot of white on black spreading
Will se how is going