Looking great John,View attachment 303255
the first of the rails going on, this is the piece cut out, I then soaked it in hot water for approx 5 minutes,
View attachment 303256
I then clamped it in place and let it dry, while it was drying I did the same for the other side,
View attachment 303257
Thats all the rails in place now,
View attachment 303258
Still some cleaning up to do, I'm going to glue a veneer plank around the inside of the rails and also on top of the rails, but before I do I have to decide if I am going to paint the inside of the bulwarks or just varnish them, I have decided to leave the stern vertical planking the way it is, I dont think it is worth the risk to try and score a line down each plank joint,
View attachment 303259
and a few views from different angles,
View attachment 303260
View attachment 303261
once again thank you for looking in,
best regards John,
I don't blame you for not wanting to score the stern, risky business.
Your molded boards look great.
The Bulwarks make a big difference to the look of the boat.
I don't mean to be critical but I think there is a plank missing on the bow, that is tapered and sits on the capping rail.
How did you go with the decretive scroll work on the bow?