Hello everyone! At firsts, I would love to thank
@Maarten @PoulD @Enzo @paulv1958 for the greatest support and encouragement, and all other readers for your attention and 'likes'.
Today, a long-promised, we will continue our build with the long timber called Keelson. Take a look at the below images from the AOTS book, which we constantly using as the reference. As you can see (highlighted yellow), the Keelson divided into 3 timber sections and Sternson knee, joined by the Keelson scarphs. Let's identify those parts.
View attachment 208858
The first section (29) is the
Fore section of the Keelson joined with the
Middle section (23) by the
scarph joint (25)
View attachment 208859
Middle section connects with the
After section of Keelson (13) by
Keelson scarph (16). The last piece of keelson (8)
Sternson knee.
In the kit, the Keelson sections represented the same way and identified with parts BL-12 (Fore section), BL-13 (Middle section), BL-14 (After section), and BL-15 (Sternson knee). All of those sections are connected by nicely CNSed scarphs joints.
View attachment 208867
All parts made are fitt together very-well, but before gluing them in-place make sure the surface is even and all the adjacent frames creating a nice smooth curve. If you have some frames 'stick out' or lover then another - make them even with a small sanding stick. (red ➡ )
Here is the 'After section' is glued using the scarph with Sternson knee
View attachment 208870
The entire Keelson attached by bolts to every second frame, I decided to represent bolts with sewing pins. The ping itself is 0.59mm and the head is 1.20mm. Those are shiny steel pins and I give those a special treatment to make them usable. I put the torch flame to the head area only until it just turns red. As the result, I was rewarded with the effect I expected: steel blue.
View attachment 208879 View attachment 208880
...also, I measured all the bolt's positions and predrilled the holes for further convenience.
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View attachment 208882
View attachment 208883
In the same way, other Keelson sections were assembled\laid and bolted.
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The final result.
View attachment 208888
The next will be fitting the Limberstrakes and the Thickstuff alone with mast foot. To be continued...