These next pictures show the build up of the forward portion of the superstructure. When finished, this entire structure will be mounted on the main deck of the ship.
Thanks jct
The wooden decks are a veneer with a self adhesive backing. They come as part of the add-on kit purchased separately. The wood is about 0.25 mm, but like everything else, the engineering is superb .
Hi Jim, great looking build, love the brass work. Curiosity, in pictures 007 and 008, what are the cylindrical type things with the coloured tops ?
Hi Eric
Best we have been able to figure is that they are gas tanks for welding etc. I'm away on vacation right now and will try and get you some more info when I return home. The color scheme you see was completely arbitrary on my part. I just did receive another set of drawings of the Missouri which shows them all in the same color. I'llsee if I can find any additional info
Thanks for your inquiry
Hi Everyone. I'm back. We took a cruise into the Caribbean and enjoyed some warm weather. We were in NYC just as the big snow storm was starting and managed to get out on time. So now I'm home and catching up on the build. These pics show the pieces of the SK-2 Radar unit, and the assembled unit.