USRC Harriet Lane Model Shipways 1:96 scale circa 1863

Thank you, Barry! In the end, although the project got done and looks nice and is generally serviceable, It bugs me something awful that the floor isn't as level as it could have been. But most of all, I'm mad at myself for designing the shower for a print ad rather than for actual use. The shower head and valve should have been on the wall away from the opening.:eek: I want to kick myself every time I go in there.:mad: Well, almost every time.

I appreciate the appreciation!

Be careful not to fall, kicking yourself in the shower. :rolleyes:

Thank you for the pointers! I have several of these resources. I also have Underhill's Masting and Rigging The Clipper Ship and Ocean Carrier and Crothers' The Masting of American Merchant Sail in the 1850's. Underhill has some nice drawings. As suggested by the title, Crothers is particularly strong on masts and spars. I will probably get the Flying Fish plans from Model Shipways as you suggested.
Get the instruction book as well. It's full of really useful stuff! That whole set of plans is a digest of useful information. And beautiful to look at.