We’ll find out today if I’m able to accomplish it at this scale.
What a treasure trove!I can totally relate Vic having just spent quite some time under my workbench looking for a recently soldered pintle. All I found was a dead moth, a dehydrated wasp, something that may have been alive once and sawdust caught up in spider webs.
very beautiful ship... thanks for the photos!I added frames for hatches. They may be a tad out of scale, but 3/64” is pretty thin.
View attachment 364302
Good morning Vic. Hope you are doing well. I’m with Kurt, the re the fake/cast deadeyes. Kudos Vic, I don’t know how you even find the holes at this scale to fit the lanyards let alone tie or finish them off.Thanks, Kurt. I needed the encouragement. I’ve found a new needle threader, by the way. It Österreich through the tiniest holes. View attachment 376136View attachment 376137