Thank you @Dean62 (Dean). I have some scallops in the works but am still considering shingles. I'm now wondering if those scallops should be parabolas chained together like fish scales??
Thank you @dockattner (Paul). I plan on investing in a stock pile of pearwood like you did so I can fab parts and just put linseed oil on em. Seems most other woods you have to stain them and I'm just not too pleased with staining. Is pearwood a hard or soft wood? Walnuts only draw back is its so hard ,dry, and brittle. I have to soak and heat it to bend it.
Hi @Alexander74 (Sasha), good to hear from you and thanks for the review.
Thank you @dockattner (Paul). I plan on investing in a stock pile of pearwood like you did so I can fab parts and just put linseed oil on em. Seems most other woods you have to stain them and I'm just not too pleased with staining. Is pearwood a hard or soft wood? Walnuts only draw back is its so hard ,dry, and brittle. I have to soak and heat it to bend it.
Hi @Alexander74 (Sasha), good to hear from you and thanks for the review.