The following rigging ...
Forcibly, will have to go into the details with all these ropes. But if it helps, then I show!
For now, I focus on the foremast to be sure of the look that it gives.
And first, before the shrouds, you have to prepare a little.
The return of the machines, especially the 1st to achieve all that.
Unlike what I did on La Flore choosing the colors of the strings, this time, I decided to do more in the traditional. Take only natural colored threads, and apply either a shade to simulate the tar, or go to aging ... some tests:
Then, we move to the assembly of "some" pulleys and caliornes (those who hang under the hune):
Finally, big job with the guys and their alignments. Then dye in India ink to have shades, unlike a basic black thread.
Finally, a little extra with the manufacture of bowsprit racks.
This time, instead of cutting everything in a stick, I chose to paste 5 pulleys in series on a small band of 2x0.5 invisible. They will be glued to each side of the bridge bracket. After all, I have pulleys that are well made, so use it!