Hi Stephan,
I've just noticed your discussion regarding leech line sheaves.
Krill is right. You have too many of them.
Sheaves should by only on main and fore yard. One on each side.
Quite common solution from that time.
Other leech lines should go through blocks hanged on the shroud eye... as Krill mentioned or like on Batavia (similar to later British example) through blocks hanged on the yard, however this seems to be only on the fore and main yard... top yards leech lines still should go through blocks hanged on the shroud eye.
Also... Willem Rex model has: 2 sheaves each for fore and main yard... then blocks hanged on the yard for other leech lines... but then rope is going to the top... so I guess it should have another blocks hanging to run the rope down to the belaying pin.
You have few options to choose
Have a look at the photo of Batavia plans from Leylstad Warf. (quick and ugly photo from the phone... sorry)
For this period just 2 for yard

and only fore and main...
However, in later period we can already noticed... (for example on British) ships that you have already regular blocks for leech lines on each yard

Example from Petersson.
Nice new toy

Interesting idea to count turns.... However, I've never count turns on my ropewalk... instead... more or less I was keeping in mind distance of the moving ropewalk "cart" on the track to have nice and consistent looking ropes.
My motors have more than 1000rpm

hard time to count even

Only for really thick ropes I'm dropping rpm's down... otherwise everything up to ~1,2mm is going on full speed to not waste time... especially on the thinest.