Thanks all for the nice comments, likes and visit. There was not much work done till now. Just not much time to do undisturbed my work here. But the last few days I did a little work and here is the update.
The ratlines on the sprits mast are done.
And I started to fit the marsen on the main topmast en fore topmast. I cleaned them of glue residu and did a time about the deadeyes. How do I fit them??? I found a solution I like to share with you. How to fit 3 mm deadeyes.
First the shrouds on the spritssail mast or how it is called.

Repeated work like always, happy the last ratline is done. On the topgallant mast there will be no ratlines.
This is the goal

The brass will be blacken in a later stage (before I fit them on the top)
The difficult was to hold them in place like the ones a step lower. But that was not easy without burning the deadeyes (this happens when trying to solder)
So I needed a solution without soldering. I found one and the clue is 2 holes in the platform. I show you.
The holes:

I know this could be more accurate, but it is freehand drilled and there will be a lot of adjustment after.
Then I started with a piece of Brass wire (0,4 mm.) heated it to make it easy to bend and not breaking it.
Turn it over a fixed distance.
Then I put it in the 2 hole on the platform and twist the other side too

With a needle I create an eye
With a sanding disk I shape the eye
Done. And the dry fit result on the top.

Thanks for watching