YQ Bluenose by Johan [COMPLETED BUILD]

My respect, Johan, for your perseverance to ultimately achieve the desired result of a representative sail. It’s looking very nice.
Regards, Peter
Thanks, Peter,
Quite frankly, this was my last shot at it. I was already contemplating no sails...
Next will be a re-do of the two topsails, followed by the jibs, the fisherman's stay sail and then the "pièce de resistance"; the main sail.
Today's yield in terms of sails, at least, I now have both topsails done, the foresail was already done before.
After playing a service in Zeist this morning, I had to occupy my brain with something else. Well that was an utter success; I was totally submerged in trying to get some sails at least looking like, well sails.
Since I'm now committed, I'll see this through, but I will not recommend using this method ever. Too much possibilities for Mr Murphy to play his tricks. On the main topsail I had to do one of the edges about three times, in the end of the day it might have been a broken thread, having found it's way into the sewing machine's innards.
Not boosting my self confidence in any possible way.
Today saw the emergence of the three jib sails.
The fisherman's stay sail is work in progress, while the main sail has to patiently wait, until it's his turn.

The three jibs, plus the previously fabricated sails:

Good morning Johan. Now we are talking! Cheers Grant
Thanks Grant.
I spend some real quality time with that ole sewing machine of the Admiral. While the edges are an improvement over folded seams, no offense, I'm still unsure about the possibility of unraveling along the zigzag stitch. I will, again, apply diluted adhesive to the sails, but whether or not it's sufficient.... :rolleyes:
Have fun!
Phew, finally: I've been dragging my feet for quite a while now, finding all sorts of excuses nót to start making sails, before starting on the "making sails"- project, not having a clou as how to make them. After finding my lost courage (it was hiding in the attick, behind some boxes) and a few dustbin sails, I got the swung of things and now: 8 sails for my BN. Still a lot of work to be done, but right now I'm immensely satisfied with the results.

I proudly present you one set of Bluenose sails:

Phew, finally: I've been dragging my feet for quite a while now, finding all sorts of excuses nót to start making sails, before starting on the "making sails"- project, not having a clou as how to make them. After finding my lost courage (it was hiding in the attick, behind some boxes) and a few dustbin sails, I got the swung of things and now: 8 sails for my BN. Still a lot of work to be done, but right now I'm immensely satisfied with the results.

I proudly present you one set of Bluenose sails:

View attachment 386675
Outstanding Johan!
Phew, finally: I've been dragging my feet for quite a while now, finding all sorts of excuses nót to start making sails, before starting on the "making sails"- project, not having a clou as how to make them. After finding my lost courage (it was hiding in the attick, behind some boxes) and a few dustbin sails, I got the swung of things and now: 8 sails for my BN. Still a lot of work to be done, but right now I'm immensely satisfied with the results.

I proudly present you one set of Bluenose sails:

View attachment 386675
Good morning Johan. “After action satisfaction “…… ;) . Great set of sails. Cheers Grant
Phew, finally: I've been dragging my feet for quite a while now, finding all sorts of excuses nót to start making sails, before starting on the "making sails"- project, not having a clou as how to make them. After finding my lost courage (it was hiding in the attick, behind some boxes) and a few dustbin sails, I got the swung of things and now: 8 sails for my BN. Still a lot of work to be done, but right now I'm immensely satisfied with the results.

I proudly present you one set of Bluenose sails:

View attachment 386675
Just: -.-.-.-.-.- After a lot of stitches -.-.-.-.-.-.-.- and some zig-zags /\/\/\/\ A beautiful result -.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Bravo Johan!
Regards, Peter