I have been putting off doing this next part, lots of compound curves, because I added an extra piece to the
transom I cannot use the wood rail supplied in the kit, but have to make a wider one from scratch, I decided
to make it from 1mm marine ply, you can cut this ply with scissors, and build it up in lamination's.
This is the part given in the kit, it is made of pear wood, I used it to make a wider template for the taff rail.
The new template for the rail.
cutting out the part from the 1mm ply, you can see the wider lines marked on it.
I cut a piece of ply to the shape of the inside of the transom and pinned it temporarily in place, it marks
the overhang of the rail on the inside.
another view
transom I cannot use the wood rail supplied in the kit, but have to make a wider one from scratch, I decided
to make it from 1mm marine ply, you can cut this ply with scissors, and build it up in lamination's.
This is the part given in the kit, it is made of pear wood, I used it to make a wider template for the taff rail.
The new template for the rail.
cutting out the part from the 1mm ply, you can see the wider lines marked on it.
I cut a piece of ply to the shape of the inside of the transom and pinned it temporarily in place, it marks
the overhang of the rail on the inside.
another view