Well I thought while I was on the cabin I might as well assemble the sliding hatch, these are the two timbers that
glue together to make the runners, the lower piece is 4mm x 2mm and the upper piece is 2mm x 2mm, they have
to be 105mm long,
and glued in place,
just trying out the sliding part to make sure it fits OK,
you have to glue another 2 2mm x 2mm timbers under the hatch to enable it to slide on the runners, although
it will eventually be glued in place,
checking the fit, everything is OK,
they supply 1mm brass rod for the hatch handle, and they say to bend the rod to the shape in the next pic,
flatten the ends and drill a hole through and then fix pins in to hold it in place, so i decided to just
bend the rod to the shape in the above pic, then I drilled two 1mm holes and just glued the handle in these,
another view,