Caldercraft-Imara 1/32- RC with twin steam engines

what a super model credit too your craftman ship i am just about too start a imara twin steam powered i live in scarborough n/yorks i will follow this great prodject many thanks john
Hi tone50
Great news.
I’m a super fan of the Imara model.
I have one but will like to build it with electric motors.
I will start following you to see how you’ll build her.
Thank You John and I wish you the best with your build. Please start a log and I among others will follow along

I am having a short sabbatical to work on Santisima Trinidad but will resume work on Imara when weather warms up a bit
I am back on this build after recent issues with my chest where I wanted to keep away from Epoxy etc whilst I recovered.

Whilst waiting for Epoxy to dry whilst plating the funnel (pictures to follow) I have done a trial of my rivet detail.

First picture shows what 3000 0.5mm brass nails from Drydock models and parts looks like.

Other pictures show what they look like installed. I am more than happy with the results. I had two big concerns, they would be too prominent and secondly they would be too sloppy in a freehand drilled 0.5mm hole. A hole is rarely the true size when the item is not fixed in a machine.

I have a plan for a Drilling guide which I will show in a later post.

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I am back on this build after recent issues with my chest where I wanted to keep away from Epoxy etc whilst I recovered.

Whilst waiting for Epoxy to dry whilst plating the funnel (pictures to follow) I have done a trial of my rivet detail.

First picture shows what 3000 0.5mm brass nails from Drydock models and parts looks like.

Other pictures show what they look like installed. I am more than happy with the results. I had two big concerns, they would be too prominent and secondly they would be too sloppy in a freehand drilled 0.5mm hole. A hole is rarely the true size when the item is not fixed in a machine.

I have a plan for a Dillingers guide which I will show in a later post.

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Great idea for rivet details. Can’t wait to see how it will look.
I have completed the initial plating of the funnel after a plethora of filling and sanding to take out the asymmetry and irregularity of the fibreglass moulding.This plating was in 0.12mm brass which enabled it to be able to rap around the curve sections.

The creases were bent using my PE folder in the last picture.

Work is now focused on preparing the funnel top to take a large white metal casting supplied in the kit

I have now fitted the supplied cast funnel top and finished the rib detail below with a plastic D moulding. There is another of these bands to add on the base of the top row of funnel plating but I will fit this later as it gets in the way of my drill guide.

My hacksaw blade drill guide works a treat as in the second picture. Simply tape to the funnel and rest the drill tip against the vee of every other saw tooth (18 TPI blade)

The last picture shows the hull placed on the superstructure. The bottom flange of the angle has been glued and "riveted" to the top of the structure. Rivet detail will be added to the section of plastic at the base of the funnel.

The two plastic sections will be glued together but the strength will come from fibreglassing the inside of the funnel to the inside of the superstructure top.

You will notice the kit supplied grill surrounds have been fitted with the superstructure cut out to make these working vents as the prototype. Any air passage I can get into the hull is a bonus with the steam plant.
