modelship dockyard

  1. W

    Hayling Hoy 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]

  2. Modelship Dockyard

    Modelship Dockyard - New Kit PoF 1:96 H.M.S. Enterprize 1774 by Modelship Dockyard

    Hi guys, it’s Modelship Dockyard here. Since the establishment of this brand, we have made numerous attempts in the field of frigates, especially English frigates. This includes our previously released PoF HMS Blandford, PoB Pandora, as well as some upcoming frigate projects. We believe that we...
  3. albertmary

    Hoy, 1760

    I'm currently workin' at that guy... . The kit is a bit simple, but so precise. Assembling the keel just reminds me a complicate Lego kit. Bashing mode already on: I carved the rabbet in Antscherl's fashion...
  4. Donnie

    Kit review HMS Pandora 1:72 by Modelship Dockyard

    HMS Pandora Kit Review A "Modelship Dockyard Kit" Pandora was a 24-gun Porcupine-class(link to wiki) sixth-rate frigate of the Royal Navy, built in Deptford, in 1779. A brief introduction to Porcupine-class: PORCUPINE Class. (24 guns) John Williams's design of 1776, to which ten ships were...
  5. M

    Pandora by Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hello, everyone. I just bought the Pandora kit of Modelship Dockyard a while ago. Next, I will update the production process here.My production process is a little slow, but I will update it slowly until it is finished.
  6. dakyzw

    HMS Pandora 1779 潘多拉1月72日建造日志 , Scale 1:72 by dakyzw

    第一次购买此商家的套材,套材设计新颖,慢慢制作,享受其中。这是一天的成果。 This is the first time I bought a kit from this merchant. The design of the kit is novel, and I enjoy it while making it slowly. This is the result of a day.
  7. Jack Jäger

    1/48 scale 20 gun ship from Modelship Dockyard kit [COMPLETED BUILD]

    A twenty-gun ship of the 1719 Establishment. From the Modelship Dockyard POF kit HMS Blandford. The 1719 Establishment Group was the first real attempt to standardise dimensions of the various different rated ships of the Royal Navy. Although small the 6th rate 20-gun ships were very...
  8. P

    HMS Pandora 潘多拉的建造过程 Hms Pandora's construction process

  9. N

    POF Hayling 1760

    Good afternoon, dear shipwrights.My name is Vadim.After many days of viewing your work, I decided to join you.Stop looking, we need to build.And so I started building my boat.I hope I can do it.I apologize for the correctness of the words.I use an online translator.if it turns out to be funny or...
  10. Andris

    Hayling 1760 (my first kit) [COMPLETED BUILD]

    to this moment....
  11. Modelship Dockyard

    Modelship Dockyard - New Kit POB 1:72 HMS Pandora 1779 by Modelship Dockyard

    Hi folks, i hope you all enjoyed the Hayling, and I’m here to announce our next product: HMS Pandora. Here are some images of the pilot model we currently working on: And some rendered images as well:
  12. Dubz Modelling World

    Kit review Hayling Hoy 1760 - POF - 1:48 - Modelship Dockyard

    Company: Modelship Dockyard Retail Price: $ 290.00 incl. shipping Available here: Description Hoy is a relatively small offshore sailing ship. Most of these ships are single-masted and weigh...
  13. Tom of all trades

    Another Hayling 1760 build

    As requested by Jim, here's my build log of the Model Dockyard POF Hayling 1760 (I will try my best to keep it updated... honest). First off, the quality of the kit contents is excellent - and I really mean that. The wood and etched sheets are the best I've ever seen. I've never used pear wood...
  14. Ornholt

    Hayling 1760 1:48 from Modelship Dockyard [COMPLETED BUILD]

    My new projekt! Starting now.
  15. R

    HMS BLANDFORD POF by Richard

    Hi Guys Started my HMS Brandford 1:48 about 4 weeks ago Brandford was the first in long series of similar ships, equipped with oar was a steppingstone between galley type frigates and true frigates from 1750 The sheer number of superbly laser cut parts is quite astonishing. Each Frame is made up...
  16. A

    POF Hayling Hoy 1760 Modelship Dockyard

    Hello my name is Arne and I’m from the Netherlands. Have been watching in silence at al the great builds over here. This will be my first build log. Build some ships before like the Endeavour j class. But never a POF build. I still have a lot to learn. Hope this build log will help with that...
  17. C

    Hayling 1760 - Model Ship Dockyard - Pear

    This is my first ever wooden kit. I have Scratch built, using a supplied hull, various British Navy ships, and one other wooden kit. That was a total failure, not even good for the fire as I had resorted to Cyno as a last ditch repair. It failed. So I am going to need a lot of hand holding...
  18. Jimsky

    Kit review Hayling (1760) - POF in scale 1:48 by Modelship Dockyard

    Kit in review: Hayling (1760) Plank On Frame model, full hull kit, complete with rigging and sails by Modelship Dockyard Back in April of this very year, Modelship Dockyard announced to us the development of a new kit. They were challenged with tasks to bring full enjoyment of building the...
  19. Keef

    HMS Blandford POF by Keith [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi All. I have been making wooden plank on bulkhead ship kits for some years now and, after seeing some of the POF kits featured on this site, I was immediately smitten and decided a change of direction is called for and so l have entered the world of POF with the 1:48 scale HMS Blandford kit...
  20. Modelship Dockyard

    Modelship Dockyard - New Kit POF 1:48 Hayling Hoy 1760 by Modelship Dockyard

    Since the development of HMS Blandford(←you can click this to access that thread), I've been receiving some feedback about the difficulty it looks. Indeed, to make a big POF kit like that would require years of modelling experience, so how modelers without that much of experience can enjoy POF...