drawing and laser cut files for frames.
there are 24 frames to be made 8 double frames and 15 single frames. There were 3 ways frames in English ship were built using a lap scarf, chocks and butt to join the futtock ends. There is no doubt about it a simple butt joint is far easier than using chocks, Harold Hahn chose not to use chocks in his model the frames used the butt method.
first step is to draw the frame with the bevels. The frames are drawn from the point of view of standing at the stern and looking toward the bow. The light blue line at the inner part of the frame would be a dotted line and not visible from this point of view.
What you are looking at in this drawing is to use the outer blue line and the inside red line in the above drawing. This is the maximum width of the frame which are now the 2 blue lines in the lower drawing. Once again the kurf of the laser plus extra material for cleaning the laser char and extra for building and fitting each frame is added. The tiny dot in the lower left is the laser beam size.
zooming in you can see the size of the laser beam plus extra material along the edge of the frame.
the blue lines are erased and the outer red lines are now used.
The same chock drawing is used for all the frames, this was done so there is no need of having to match each chock with its location in the frame.
The frame is broken down into its component parts.
these parts are copied and positioned on a 2 x 24 inch sheet. In this drawing I am missing the cross chock at the floor. There should be 3 chocks for this part of the frame.
you can not see it in the larger drawing so zooming in the gaps become visible. Each and every part has to have these gaps or the part will fall out of the sheet. If all the parts were cut out of the sheets and all put in a bag it would be almost impossible to figure out what part goes to what frame. So it is very important all parts remain in their sheets.
time wise it took about 2 hours from start of drawing the frame to a finished laser cutting file for each frame + 24 frames.
Building frame blanks is a fast and easy way to construct frames. What you do is build a blank, glue a full frame pattern to the blank and cut out the frame. That is fine for hand building frames it does not lend itself to laser cutting frames. Just the opposite apples to the laser cut frames cutting each and every part out by hand then trying to assemble an accurate frame adds a degree of difficulty because you are not cutting the parts out accurately. The reason it works for laser cutting is because cutting the frame parts are dead accurate and you can lay them on a frame pattern and build the frame exactly to the pattern.