this is what i have so far , its not finished as there is a little cleaning up to do , i also went with my own thing for the bushings , i have made up the handles but have nowhere to put them yet, i'm trying to decide whats next, i think i have to cut the upper floor beams so that i have something for the pillars to attach to , then i can decide the height of the bushings for the handles .
i have built model aeroplanes from scratch in the past but this too is my first actual scratch built model ship , its something that i have wanted to do for a long time but never had any tools , with hardwoods i would say its essential , balsa and plywood are so soft compared to hardwood , not impossible with hand tools but a lot easier with good tools ,
when i started this model it was going to be an aside while i finished my HMS Endeavour , but its so interesting that i almost forgot i still have that to finish , i am really enjoying fabricating all my own parts and now have 3 kits that i'm not sure will ever get done , i keep thinking about the next scratch build,
anyway let me finish this one first and see where i go from there .