Then the moment arrived: the aft also filled, all 114 half frames placed:

With the horizontal floor profiles, stringer plates on the deck and the frames for the access hatch and other hatches.
Before the whole thing goes to the painter, some images.
The entire construction, with the exception of the bulwark:

Also able to remove some parts of the mold so that there is a view to the front and back:

At the front I still have to place a few magnets.
The deck view with all stringer plates and frames for all accesses:

And now I see that I forgot 1 frame ........
but I will probably come across something.
I must honestly admit that I did not expect this as a result. I myself am a little surprised .......
Regards, Peter

With the horizontal floor profiles, stringer plates on the deck and the frames for the access hatch and other hatches.
Before the whole thing goes to the painter, some images.
The entire construction, with the exception of the bulwark:

Also able to remove some parts of the mold so that there is a view to the front and back:

At the front I still have to place a few magnets.
The deck view with all stringer plates and frames for all accesses:

And now I see that I forgot 1 frame ........

I must honestly admit that I did not expect this as a result. I myself am a little surprised .......
Regards, Peter
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