Hi, What a nice start! You're turning a $12 kit into a really serious build.
But you have probably agree with me about the plans/instructions . They leave a lot to be desired. Since I’m also building the original Harvey by Artisima Latina, I was able to second-guess some things. One problem with the Chinese kit is dimensioning the masts and spars. I proportioned them from the original. Here are the dimensions (ratio 2.4) that approximate the correct lengths.
Main top mast – 2.9” | Main boom – 5.4” |
Fore mast – 5.6” | Fore yard – 5.0” |
Fore top mast – 2.75” | Fore topsail yard – 3.75” |
Bowsprit – 2.9” | Fore top gallant yard – 2.9” |
Jib boom – 2.8” | Fore gaff – 2.8” |
All the “sticks” need to be tapered of course. In the Chinese kit I received, the largest dowel was too big for the masts at the deck line. I will have to begin with the 0.15 diameter dowel for the masts and progress to the smaller dowels as I go up and out.