Cheap Chinese Halcon speed build [COMPLETED BUILD]

The image of your thumb is a helpful reminder of the tiny scale which is not served well by the tight closeup photos which magnify every anomaly, like the hairy thread. Virtually invisible under normal unmagnified viewing! I look forward to the final finished pictures from a normal viewing perspective. Thumbs-Up
Keep in mind that I'm using my fingers and one set of tweezers, and NO MAGNIFICATION while rigging this. Techniques and certain simplifications need to be made 1t 1:10 scale to keep things in proportion, and some are necessary just because of the small size. It's a real challenge. You 1:48 scale builders have it easy!
Day 28

The fore topmast ratlines and the main topmast shrouds were rigged. For the main topmast shroud tensioning, rings and lashings were used instead of deadeyes and lanyards. As before on the fore topmast, the futtock shrouds and catharpins were combined using the same coat thread so that giant knots would not be formed and detract from the appearance of the model.

A temporary lashing of thread pulls the back stays away from the crosstrees to allow access to the shrouds for adding the ratlines on the fore topmast. The lashing was cut away once ratlining was finished. I used temporary lashings like this to position yardarms when rigging brace lines late in the build.

The rings and lashings idea comes from Lennarth Petersson’s book in the chapter devoted to the American schooner.

View of both crosstrees.

Progress so far.
Outstanding job Kurt! Looked up your pics of La Couronne and wow! The level of craftsmanship is what I aspire to, but lighting as well? Thats just showing off now....
Did you also build the display case? If so, I hate you! Just as well you got Romans, knight's and German soldiers to guard her! You're an inspiration sir.
Outstanding job Kurt! Looked up your pics of La Couronne and wow! The level of craftsmanship is what I aspire to, but lighting as well? Thats just showing off now....
Did you also build the display case? If so, I hate you! Just as well you got Romans, knight's and German soldiers to guard her! You're an inspiration sir.
Thanks, Zoopher! The display case was cobble together from parts from an old table, acrylic from a museum display case that was for sale on the web locally. The armor was made by myself. It helps to have a pole barn for a shop for the carpentry and metal machining tools. I have busy hands. Building is a passion.
Day 31

A few details were worked on. I forgot my magnification headset back at the house again! :rolleyes:

The bilge pump was made using parts from the kit. Heavy coat thread was used to simulate the iron parts of the pump. The iron handle is merely a piece of coat thread, soaked in CA glue.

The holes in the deck for the anchor chain needs some detail. So, some aluminum wire taken from the packaging of the chain below was wrapped around a drill bit and rings were made. These rings line the holes in the deck.

The two rings are painted black using a Sharpie marker.

The two rings are glued into the holes using CA glue. The tapered wooden pick shown above, was used to carefully insert the wire rings into the holes.

The edges of the hawsepipes in the bowel were simply colored with a sharpie pen to simulate iron.

This chain was purchased at a Michael’s craft store for use as the anchor chain.

The forestay was rigged using 2.5 mm blocks.

All these tiny details may look crude when view through the camera close up, but at this scale, they look pretty good from a distance of one photo grader.

Progress so far.
Day 32

I’m running out of tiny, properly shaped blocks! I don’t wanna use crappy kit blocks!! All the usual suppliers seem to have run out of 2mm single and double blocks, except for the Model Shipways blocks, which are absolute crap. Beautiful Blocks at Model Expo are sold out in sizes smaller than 3mm. :confused: I got some single 2.5mm blocks from China on eBay but all they have in double sheave blocks are 3mm at the smallest. Are there any small Falkonet blocks left?

Until they arrive, work on the schooner is slowed. Today I fixed the forestay and added cheeks to the masts.

The tackle is a bit lower now.

Nice tiny cheeks…
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Found some tiny blocks!

My lady wife say she always spends at least $100 every time she goes to a Target store.
I just spent $100 because I went to Dry-Dock Model and again.

Both happen way too often...

I know Zoltan appreciates it though.
hope it doesn't happen as a competition... ROTF ROTF ROTF