Donnie's HMS Blandford Cross Section Build: 1/32 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]

Well, I am certainly an idiot as I was not paying attention and used/grabbed the wrong wood for the Footwailing. I should have slowed down and reviewed the cross-section plan (part 3). I made a note in the BOM part 3 and uploaded a new BOM for this as part of the package download. If I remember, the changes I made are as such:
10 pieces 5/16 x 3/64 x 7 13/16”
6 pieces 3/16 x 3/64 x 7 13/16”

I just grabbed and go instead of thinking ahead. Next time, I need to review the plans better instead. All the flooring is glued down now and I do not feel like removing it. To replace the Footwailing means that ALL of the flooring would have to come out - why - because the footwailing dimension widths are just slightly too wide at 1/4". I think the boards at the bottom should have been 3/16 wide. The 1/4 " caused the flooring overall to be wider than it should be. ARRGG !!!
This is why I am probably not a scratch builder. But, I need to forge forward. I am just used to grabbing kit parts.
So, I tried to stay ahead of the game and I also notice that I did not have any strips for the lower deck clamp. This time I milled out my own strips for this. I had some birch 1/4 thick board laying leftover and saw a piece for the lower deck clamp. It turned out fairly nice. I found out that just milling these two pieces from plans is quite time-consuming. So, I have to hand it to those that can take a set of plans and mill their own lumber.

I hate making mistakes like this as this would be quite obvious to those with experience. With me - who knows - maybe too many distractions and just getting ahead of myself. Ok, so - it's only the flooring. I need to move on.
So, now I am worried as to what another stupid mistake I will make - LOL
I am not at home, but I do know that I bought the Metric Package "A" as it had most things included to allow me to get up and running right then without having to buy the extras know that I would need it anyway. If I remember, it was the item # 5410A 12″ Deluxe Mill Package A
The reason for my metric lathe and mill is that all the kits I was buying at the time had metric measurements on many of the kit plans. Besides, this is not a permanent thing as to convert the machine over to your choice of system is all you have to do is change out the leadscrew and the thumbwheels. This might seem daunting at first, but in reality, it is not. The unit can always be shipped back to the factory to change from one measurement system to another. So, don't worry about being stuck with on measurement system.
Between the adjustable Angle Plate and the Rotary Table, it is just your imagination as to what you can do then.
Latest: Shotlocker. Still not used to scratch building. Shot locker getting a little tedious. The beveled edges of boards are from someone else's BL. So, all the credit goes to them for that idea - I hope you do not mind me being a copy-cat. I hate being a copy-cat, but I could not help but try the effect of beveling myself. Thanks.
(those front 4 boards above the hatch) - I forgot to bevel them and tried to do it with a file. Not the best results. Have to work on that some more to make them look more like the saw did it instead of files. May have to leave well enough alone on that.



Thank you all for the kind words. Here is the latest. Finished with the Shotlocker. I know it does not look as per plans, but just wanted to do something different to the front hinge lids. (also hides a lot of errors - ;) )

the first image is locker just sitting in the frames not glued in. The darker shading is just the glue not quite dry and where I had mopped it down with some water to remove the white glue residue. Nothing major.

The hinges are made from sheet brass stock laying around. I am glad I don't have a lot of those to make. Yes, the hinges are functional but not practical as the lid is glued into place.


Very nice result Donnie, do you have plans to do some more work with
well / locker, then what you have done so far, greetings-
I am finished with the shotlocker. I am happy with it - as I know this will not be entered into any beauty pageant !! The purpose is for me to get the basics. Like Doc said, the plans will build a model one way or another. It is easy for me to go overboard and I really do not want to do that. I just want to take it easy and do what I can with it.
Next images will be the start of the lower beams / framing.