G'Day folks
Really not that much to report except I did want to say a big thanks to my Mentor Smithy.
He's always been there to help out when I needed it, and even when I didn't realise I needed it he sensed where I could possibly make a lot of work for myself and threw me that life safer every time.
In this case it's the secret behind the Titebond (another life saver) where adding a little direct heat gives instant bonding.
Absolutely worked 100% Smithy mate, genius my friend.
My travel iron that I ordered from Whoop-Whoop about a generation ago has never surfaced, so I've ordered one of those plank bender jiggers.
In the meantime, while I was adding the second planking, I found if I use the end of a 150mm stainless rule and gently used it to pull over the strake with adequate pressure, it really helped matching the edges.
I knew of the heat trick from many posts back, but all I had was a soldering iron that had delusions of being a light saber and burned the wotsits out of the wood.
So !
150mm rule - plus a little lighter thingoe I bought for the heat shrink tubing on the LED's.
8 seconds with the lighter thingy on the end of the rule e' voila!
Perfect heat to press against the planking in difficult to stick spots and it works like a dream.
Thanks Smithy, I might be coming over to Pommy in 2026, I'll buy you a pint of mead and a bag of jellied eels.
(I know that's what you lot live on, I've read The Pickwick Papers)
The pic of the day shows exhibit A through C M'lud
The arrow indicates the foul error I had with that "contact adhesive on paper" saga - (yep, another life saver hit me on the back of the scon after that one)
The light blue square is so I can explain this section has only just been attached and not trimmed yet
Really not that much to report except I did want to say a big thanks to my Mentor Smithy.
He's always been there to help out when I needed it, and even when I didn't realise I needed it he sensed where I could possibly make a lot of work for myself and threw me that life safer every time.
In this case it's the secret behind the Titebond (another life saver) where adding a little direct heat gives instant bonding.
Absolutely worked 100% Smithy mate, genius my friend.
My travel iron that I ordered from Whoop-Whoop about a generation ago has never surfaced, so I've ordered one of those plank bender jiggers.
In the meantime, while I was adding the second planking, I found if I use the end of a 150mm stainless rule and gently used it to pull over the strake with adequate pressure, it really helped matching the edges.
I knew of the heat trick from many posts back, but all I had was a soldering iron that had delusions of being a light saber and burned the wotsits out of the wood.
So !
150mm rule - plus a little lighter thingoe I bought for the heat shrink tubing on the LED's.
8 seconds with the lighter thingy on the end of the rule e' voila!
Perfect heat to press against the planking in difficult to stick spots and it works like a dream.
Thanks Smithy, I might be coming over to Pommy in 2026, I'll buy you a pint of mead and a bag of jellied eels.
(I know that's what you lot live on, I've read The Pickwick Papers)
The pic of the day shows exhibit A through C M'lud
The arrow indicates the foul error I had with that "contact adhesive on paper" saga - (yep, another life saver hit me on the back of the scon after that one)
The light blue square is so I can explain this section has only just been attached and not trimmed yet