Endurance (1912) - Occre, Scale 1:70 - My First Shipbuilding Adventure

Try just looking at the pictures for now.
Great minds ;)
I've been dying to tidy up those loose LED wires on Starboard and fit that socket, then I can see if all my anxious anticipation and planning and chopping bits out of the deck has not been in vain :p
10th Dec (5).jpg 10th Dec (10).jpg
I still need to sort a little light-bleed at the base of the central cabin (not glued yet) but apart from that, yeah, happy.

10th Dec (11).jpg 10th Dec (12).jpg

I put the slider halfway back on the companionway because I want to mount the doors ~
LH will be about 20 deg, RH perhaps 45, but it's the door posts I've been playing around with in my head.
Should I do wood grain top/bottom ?
White Top/bottom?
Half/Half ?

I still have the red cross on my front door so not out of the woods yet. Sick
See you in a few days ?

Cat out.
Well, it seems I have finally managed to right that nightmare of a wrong with the light bleeding from under the centre cabin making it look like a deleted scene from Close Encounters.
I remember I "inherited" ;) all sorts of different tapes from my stint at an Engineering company, so I rifled through that box of tricks and found some not-too-dense sticky backed foam.
Cut into strip's and mounted with about 1mm or so proud of the bottom
Like we say down under, "looks like a bought one" :pThumbsup
Excuse the "weights" used to press slightly, I still can't glue until certain deck pieces are in place ;)
Neither will I! ROTF
Mind you, if I knew then what I know now I would've hardly had a problem.
It can have advantages I guess.
I mean the ZHL Black Pearl wouldn't look anywhere near as realistically spectacular if it didn't have LEDs

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It does look nicely spooky in a Disney sort of way. (Though that one looks far too tidy.)
I've been puttin LED on everything... Last one was Queen Mary 2. Yes it is a pain in the a** to do this and the bleeding... But in my oppinion it just gives the model something more, it just looks a bit more interesting maybe? I use micro SMD led for the most part because they ar more "to scale" and easyer to put in places mostly, bum man they ar finicky to work with... Here are some photos of my models that I made with LED. My next ship probably will be with LED also:
