Cat checking in just to let you know I'm still about................just.
Making progress with this planking lark, but oh boy I'm just as nervous as before I started.
Doing my very best to follow Mr O'Ccre's pictorials and tutor vids, but somehow it's just not the same in real life, but I guess that's Hollywood for you.
I recall a kind mentor on here saying it's very important that prior to planking, it's important that you "blend" the bulkheads along the length, GREAT advice, not sure if I managed to get them as right as would have liked now I'm 50% through it, but I can clearly see how important it is.
I also got the advice to resist he urge to sand
"on the fly", that's a real hard one to resist, I
sooooo want it to look like a proper hull and not a bunch of Lolly sticks stuck to the bottom of a dirty dumpster.
There are areas where I keep looking at all angles, hoping on hope that when I do get to sand it will be somewhat resembling the hull of my dear Endurance.
That's another quandary I have.
What does the hull of the Endurance look like ??
I know there are the photos on the box of course, and a few on line of the real ship but none clearly shows the true contours, am I overthinking again ?
In these pics
(I shudder to post) you can see at the point at the hull/rudder/keel there's a definitive sharp internal corner where a nice smooth transition should be.
These are the areas I'm getting sleepless nights over.
So I bought some wood filler as a security blanket..................