Back in the model room tonight and more scratch building pieces. I'm using the plywood pieces as templates to make solid wood built pieces. Worked on the chain plate racks. And got photo etched pieces on the quarter deck blackened and on, also she didnt seam to look right with out a boarder around them so added that aswell. 20220209_232037.jpg20220209_232045.jpg20220210_021829.jpg20220210_021835.jpg20220210_021900.jpg20220210_021921.jpg
I believe it is correct to place the channels on TOP of the wales. Anyone know of an example where they would be placed under the wales?

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Correct the directions called for them to be placed on the rubbing strakes and would have had only one point of contact. I moved them to just below the rubbing strake to have 2 points of contact with glue.
How awesome is this get up to get ready for work and I see the mailman had a surprise for me. It's been just over 2 weeks since I ordered these block and they finaly came in. You can see the difference in quality from the new ones to the old ones that came with the ship. 20220214_130824.jpg20220214_130849.jpg20220214_131217.jpg20220214_134140.jpg
In every galeaon that I have looked at the bowspirte is of center. Taking from that durring the 15th and 16th century galeaons were all like this.
You may consider moving the outermost end of the bowsprit to the centerline of the ship, above the figurehead. Angling the bowsprit it to the centerline has been a topic of controversy, but it seems to make sense for many builders.

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Off center at the base, because it passes alongside the foremast deep under the forecastle on the orlop deck, but was the forward end of the bowsprit also off center to starboard?
Yes it was. From what pictures I have seen, it didnt appear to affect how the ship sailed
Got the bowspirte yard built today along with getting the sail on it too. You see the sail sitting on my metal water jug, I use a 50/50 water mixture so that it will hold the shape. I let sit for about 4 to 6 hrs. Using the blocks that I got from dry dock and some hooks I got from amanti to attach the blocks to the bottom corners of the sail. And went ahead and rigged the bowspirte and sail in place. Later on I'll add some ropes hanging from the belay pins. Also was able to get the mezzin mast made, stained and in place. 20220217_134337.jpg20220217_134358.jpg20220217_184430.jpg20220217_201148.jpg20220217_201207.jpg20220217_205511.jpg20220217_205517.jpg20220217_205526.jpg20220217_205542.jpg20220217_210529.jpg20220217_210634.jpg20220217_210642.jpg
Slacken off the clewlines on the the spritsail until it is angled rearward only about 10-15 degrees. Being drawn all the way to the bowsprit won't allow it to catch wind.

Under moderate wind, the sail should hang similar to this, under wind from the port quarter.
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Makes sense. What I may do is get it to hold this position while I coat the inside of the sail with my water and glue mix so it may help set the sail and let it back out more and hang down.