HMS Victory by Occre build log

Hi Julian, thank you for this build log, I have enjoyed following your build. Not to put you on the spot ...BUT.... are you ready now to give your thoughts between the Caldercraft and Occre versions? I am awaiting your opinion with great anticipation.
For a beginner the Caldercraft is much better as the instructions are so much more informative. A beginner would really struggle with the Occre one. (The Caldercraft Victory was my first big ship model - it seemed to turn out OK due to the decent instructions - I would not have been able to make the Occre Victory as a first model due to the lack of instructions)

For someone with more experience I am still sitting on the fence. Look of Caldercraft with copper bottom might sway some people. So far it is very difficult to work out which one I prefer. Occre is certainly smaller which might be a great advantage for people with smaller houses............

Will have to produce a proper comparison with say 10 items against which I could score points. Looking forward to it. Hope this helps

Redid the deadeye strops. Used a simple single knot to tie the deadeye to the shrouds. They look much better. Thanks to Allan for pointing this out - it is much appreciated. Really do appreciate the help one gets from everyone - it all goes to show how much expertise is out there if one know where to look.

Got into my stride with the ratlines - almost finished 4 sets out of 6 on the lower masts. For some reason the aching joints have gone - am able to do an hour or two at one session with no aches and pains. Shows how important it is to get the right posture while carrying out repetitive tasks. Moved the model around in relation to the chair until felt more comfortable.

Thinned some Evi-Stik wood glue with water and using a small brush painted the glue mix over the ratlines - this holds them in place. Used 0.25 white thread from the Caldercraft Victory to make the ratlines as the 0.15 thread from Occre just did not look right; it is very slightly yellow . In my mind ratlines look better in white (yes scale is all wrong and I may be wrong re colour).

Do not want to open a can of worms with a discussion re historical accuracy............

Top tip of the day - It would have been easier if I the ratlines before fitting the yards. They just get in the way so would suggest fitting the yards and bowsprit once all of the ratlines are completed


Hello, I am Noël Luc from Belgium and I have been a member for about 2 months. I am currently working on my first boat "De Norske Love". Probably quite high for a first boat. I already have many photos of the construction so far that I will post on the forum soon. My eye also fell on the HMS Victory Limited edition, which I bought. I will first finish the Norske Love and when that is finished I will start on the HMS Victory! I look forward to sharing your experiences with you (if you wish)! I also purchased the expansion kit to completely close the hull if I wish

HMS Victory 0001.jpgHMS Victory 0002.jpgHMS Victory 0003.jpgHMS Victory 00004.jpgHMS Victory 0005.jpgHMS Victory 0006.jpg
For a beginner the Caldercraft is much better as the instructions are so much more informative. A beginner would really struggle with the Occre one. (The Caldercraft Victory was my first big ship model - it seemed to turn out OK due to the decent instructions - I would not have been able to make the Occre Victory as a first model due to the lack of instructions)

For someone with more experience I am still sitting on the fence. Look of Caldercraft with copper bottom might sway some people. So far it is very difficult to work out which one I prefer. Occre is certainly smaller which might be a great advantage for people with smaller houses............

Will have to produce a proper comparison with say 10 items against which I could score points. Looking forward to it. Hope this helps

Thank you....I think your initial comments are very informative and everyone will appreciate it. Looking forward to the final analysis.
Hi Julian
For the future, ratlines were only 0.5" in diameter (0.14mm at a scale of 1:87) Using the formulas from Lees' Masting and Rigging English Ships of War the main and fore shrouds on Victory were about 3.5" in diameter, so the ratlines were noticeably smaller than the shrouds.
Redid the deadeye strops. Used a simple single knot to tie the deadeye to the shrouds. They look much better. Thanks to Allan for pointing this out - it is much appreciated. Really do appreciate the help one gets from everyone - it all goes to show how much expertise is out there if one know where to look.

Got into my stride with the ratlines - almost finished 4 sets out of 6 on the lower masts. For some reason the aching joints have gone - am able to do an hour or two at one session with no aches and pains. Shows how important it is to get the right posture while carrying out repetitive tasks. Moved the model around in relation to the chair until felt more comfortable.

Thinned some Evi-Stik wood glue with water and using a small brush painted the glue mix over the ratlines - this holds them in place. Used 0.25 white thread from the Caldercraft Victory to make the ratlines as the 0.15 thread from Occre just did not look right; it is very slightly yellow . In my mind ratlines look better in white (yes scale is all wrong and I may be wrong re colour).

Do not want to open a can of worms with a discussion re historical accuracy............

Top tip of the day - It would have been easier if I the ratlines before fitting the yards. They just get in the way so would suggest fitting the yards and bowsprit once all of the ratlines are completed

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Good afternoon Julian. A wonderful Victory. You going to be ratted out ;) . A gazzilion clove hitches still to do…..and this is your second time- whewROTF. Cheers Grant
For a beginner the Caldercraft is much better as the instructions are so much more informative. A beginner would really struggle with the Occre one. (The Caldercraft Victory was my first big ship model - it seemed to turn out OK due to the decent instructions - I would not have been able to make the Occre Victory as a first model due to the lack of instructions)

For someone with more experience I am still sitting on the fence. Look of Caldercraft with copper bottom might sway some people. So far it is very difficult to work out which one I prefer. Occre is certainly smaller which might be a great advantage for people with smaller houses............

Will have to produce a proper comparison with say 10 items against which I could score points. Looking forward to it. Hope this helps

Sorry to you all here with Victoria. This KIT is absolutly not a BEGINNERS KIT. General such a Kit would take about 3 years to build.. One year making the False Keel, inserting the Keeñ, Bow and Stern parts, and inserting all the (Spanten) or bulkheads. Then it is highly recommended to insert Bow and Stern fillers. My later models even fillers between the Spants-up and the lower gun deck. Now you can start planking the Hull (after having made a Gard Board).
2Nd Yeard: To make the decks, Gunports and all the assessory on the Deck (cabins, Haches, Akkers and many other things
3TH. Year: the Rigging -standing Rigge, Then to Running Riggen- which can be divided into to Two- depernding if the ship would have sails or not.

Happy Building





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Hi Julianisch,
I'm a big fan of your build log. I just discovered the report. Stay tuned.
Regards Günter
:) Thumbs up
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Ich glaube nicht, dass die Version von 1765 verkupfert war … ich kann mich aber irren … außerdem ist Ihr Caldercraft bereits verkupfert, also warum machen Sie es bei diesem nicht anders? Ich denke, ich werde meins komplett beplanken (Doppelplanke) und den unteren Teil cremefarben streichen, wie er einmal gestrichen worden war, und den oberen Teil natürlich lassen. Jeff hat recht, Sie kommen bei Ihrem ziemlich schnell voran. Sieht gut aus!

Hi Reg

The Victory of 1765 was not copper plated.

In May 1779 the Admiralty ordered that all ships of up to 32 guns were to be copper plated on their next trip to dry dock. In July this order was extended to ships of 44 guns or less.

At that time it was decided that the entire Royal Navy fleet would be copper plated. By 1781 82 ships of the line, 14 ships of 50 guns, 115 frigates and 182 unclassified ships had been copper plated.
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Hello, I am Noël Luc from Belgium and I have been a member for about 2 months. I am currently working on my first boat "De Norske Love". Probably quite high for a first boat. I already have many photos of the construction so far that I will post on the forum soon. My eye also fell on the HMS Victory Limited edition, which I bought. I will first finish the Norske Love and when that is finished I will start on the HMS Victory! I look forward to sharing your experiences with you (if you wish)! I also purchased the expansion kit to completely close the hull if I wish

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Nice to meet you, I'm not used to the forums yet. I'm on Youtube (choo pin yoo) you will easily find where I am in my construction. What appealed to me about this model (the second of my existence) is precisely the beauty of the structure of the hull, in raw oak, I would think it would be a shame to cover it -))) Good luck, Phil
Nett, Sie kennenzulernen, ich bin noch nicht an die Foren gewöhnt. Ich bin auf Youtube (choo pin yoo), Sie werden leicht herausfinden, wo ich mich bei meiner Konstruktion befinde. Was mich an diesem Modell (dem zweiten meiner Existenz) ansprach, ist genau die Schönheit der Struktur des Rumpfes, in roher Eiche, ich fände es schade, ihn zu verkleiden -))) Viel Glück, Phil
Hello Luc,
I am also pleased to meet you. I'm looking forward to your build report on the Occre HMS Victory. I will also build the Victory, but on my own with parts from Deagostini.

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You are right about the Oak ribs - they do look great. It is also different having the lower hull open.

Not sure what is meant by the "expansion kit to close off the hull" that Noel Luc mentions though
Nice to meet you, I'm not used to the forums yet. I'm on Youtube (choo pin yoo) you will easily find where I am in my construction. What appealed to me about this model (the second of my existence) is precisely the beauty of the structure of the hull, in raw oak, I would think it would be a shame to cover it -))) Good luck, Phil

Nice to meet you, I'm not used to the forums yet. I'm on Youtube (choo pin yoo) you will easily find where I am in my construction. What appealed to me about this model (the second of my existence) is precisely the beauty of the structure of the hull, in raw oak, I would think it would be a shame to cover it -))) Good lu
Thank you for your response! I have now subscribed to your YouTube channel! I have already watched a number of videos. Beautiful!! I can learn a lot from that. I'll decide whether to close the hull completely when I get to that point!
I am currently still working on my "Norske Love" and that could take months!! When that is finished I will start on my HMS Victory! I have created a build log of my Norsk Love, in which you can see where I am!
Hello Luc,
I am also pleased to meet you. I'm looking forward to your build report on the Occre HMS Victory. I will also build the Victory, but on my own with parts from Deagostini.

Thank you for your response! I am currently still working on my "Norske Love" and that could take months!! When that is finished I will first start on my HMS Victory! I have created a build log of my Norsk Love, in which you can see where I am!
You are right about the Oak ribs - they do look great. It is also different having the lower hull open.

Not sure what is meant by the "expansion kit to close off the hull" that Noel Luc mentions though
There appear to be a number of people who bought the HMS Victory Lilited edition who would rather close the hull completely than was originally intended by the makers of the Occre kit. That is why an extension has been made that can be purchased to completely close the hull. This way you have the same type of wood in the planking as the upper part of the hull.

Oh - I did not know, that the planking of the hull is not included in the original kit - interesting
and I am surprised, that they add such thick nails to the single planking
Oh - I did not know, that the planking of the hull is not included in the original kit - interesting
and I am surprised, that they add such thick nails to the single planking
About half of the planking is included as shown in the photo! The other half that is still open as shown in the photo can therefore be purchased with the extensive kit
Thank you for your response! I have now subscribed to your YouTube channel! I have already watched a number of videos. Beautiful!! I can learn a lot from that. I'll decide whether to close the hull completely when I get to that point!
I am currently still working on my "Norske Love" and that could take months!! When that is finished I will start on my HMS Victory! I have created a build log of my Norsk Love, in which you can see where I am!
Thank you very much -))