HMS Victory by Y.T.- Mamoli - 1:90 scale

I went to ZHL site as was recommended. I noticed quite a few larger scale models there are not in stock due to copyright issues. This is a very good lesson to copyright infringing manufacturers. Copyright laws however DO NOT affect consumers. For us (the consumers) these battles have no impact and no consequences. We can enjoy a free market in full by buying the best of what is on the market.
Yes... I read at SOS that those manufacturers stopped the production of those ships because they are trying to solve the copyright issue. As a consequence, ZHL is now without stock of those models.
touch -UP tip, mate: Get your fingers in graphite
Jimsky, thanks a LOT!. This technique works wonderful with gun barrels I had to paint matt black acrylic. These are cast white metal (semi pewter) items provided with this kit. Before this I painted them shiny black as matt black looked so dull... Then I repent and painted them matt black. ...After applying graphite these guns start look as $100. I will show pics when have time. On brass barrels I blackened with Jax Pewter Black the graphite did not make difference as they already look as ones impregnated with graphite.
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This technique works wonderful with gun barrels I had to paint matt black acrylic. These are cast white metal (semi pewter) items provided with this kit. Before this I painted them shiny black as matt black looked so dull... Then I repent and painted them matt black. ...After applying graphite these guns start look as $100.
This technique brought to us by Janos @janos Many Thanks, Janos! As simple as brilliant! :cool: