HMS Victory Mantua 1:78 (first build) by Grant Tyler

I don't think so. Do you have a copy of Longridge's book? If so, see plan 9 (btwn pages 228 & 229). I was looking at the thimble in the Burton Pendant. I plan to put these on my cross section model even through there wont be running rigging to go through them. I want to install as much as may be practical on the yards and tops. I am also hoping that my rigging plan from the full model I built will help me with these as well. In 1/96, I am thinking about trying to take a 2mm dowel and use a fine file to cut a groove around the dowel every 2 mm or so. I would then cut off a 2mm-wide piece and drill a 0.5mm hole in the resulting disk creating a "thimble." If this doesn't work or hold up, I may just have to resort to making a loop using a. 0.5 mm drill bit.
Good morning.
Apologies - I used a metal ring to scale, a tiny dab of CA glue, wrapped the rope around and seized it tightly. I also gave a wood dowel a go but I could not get the scale right- kept coming out too big. I did not have any references when I built my Victory- it was my first modelling attempt….it was like references what are those ROTF . I did use The art of rigging book and looked at many photos of the Portsmouth Victory. My Victory is a “modified Mantua build” . For the rigging which is more accurate than the ship itself I used a some of Longridges diagrams sent to me by other members here, and a build by Middleton (Caldercraft) who detailed his work immaculately. My big issue here in SA is getting resources. Costs at least 100% more so burns the pocket a tad. Cheers Grant
I acquired this kit HMS Victory, but the plans and building instructions that came with it were not there. Is there anyone out there that can help me obtain them?
I acquired this kit HMS Victory, but the plans and building instructions that came with it were not there. Is there anyone out there that can help me obtain them?
Hi, Robert, you could try contacting Mantua's shop in Slough. I have the same kit awaiting build. I could possibly copy the instructions, but as I can only copy in A4, the plans would be a problem, it would take most of a ream I expect!

I acquired this kit HMS Victory, but the plans and building instructions that came with it were not there. Is there anyone out there that can help me obtain them?
Good evening Robert. If you send me your postal address I will send mine to you. I am finished with them. I will send them DHL as I if I sent normal mail it would take months to get there. Cheers Grant
I acquired this kit HMS Victory, but the plans and building instructions that came with it were not there. Is there anyone out there that can help me obtain them?
Hi--I think this is the manual you are looking for. Hope it helps. Sorry, I don't have the sheet plans any more.


Good evening Robert. If you send me your postal address I will send mine to you. I am finished with them. I will send them DHL as I if I sent normal mail it would take months to get there. Cheers Grant
Grant Thank you very much for that, most appreciated I have attached my address attached my address