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HMS Victory Mantua 1:78 (first build) by Grant Tyler

Good morning- as promised the mouse. This is for the Main stay which is 1.5mm. Slightly out of scale. Ropes and sizes a discussion for another day.

The reasonable, bad and ugly.;).

These things are small. Using Grants maths this mouse to my scale is 3mm long, 3.5 at widest point.( Rounded UPROTF).These will be tiny for the Mizzen top stay for sure.

Shaped using needle file from a 4mm dowel left over.
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Grants tips- what not to doROTF
Get good thread- I did not have small enough so used cotton. It is too weak and creates explicit language.

Get the base shape correct! In my view one should exaggerate the pear shape on the base more as the weaving changes the shape. It also widens the mouse out of proportion. This May be Grants rookie skill level. (Is my 2nd attempt at a proper mouse- boy probably need 100 to get this right)

The longitudinal thread lines must be odd in number as this creates the basket weave pattern by just going over/under.

Don’t skip a line- pattern changes (I did a couple of times)o_O

Have a good magnifying system(Grants eyes are good but not that good)

Don’t wrap the longitudinal thread tightly as when you get near the top (especially using cotton) it breaks when inserting needle- this is the UGLy.Cautious.

I couldn’t follow Sasha ( @Alexander74 )steps completely as I served the stay up to the mouse previously and then will serve the balance after the mouse is on. (I did not have it in myself to redo the stay serving as well)I do see Sasha logic and it will be better to follow his advice. Next time Sasha Thumbsup

Never did I think.....attempt 2 and still not pear enough. I’m going to run with this and hopefully as I redo my Mizzen rats nest a mouse will appear more and more tidy. Still way better than how I made them previously.

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Red arrow where the thread broke.

Some thread fuzz- flame will sort out. My biggest disappointment is the of shape- needs to be more pear shape in my view.

Cheers Grant
I'm impressed with your patience. I guess you'll need some more tries before you can declare succes though.
If I were to make these mice, the Dutch language would be enriched by quite a few new inventive expletives...
The fuzziness of ropes is a nuisance, to put it mildly. What worked for me were the various thicknesses and colors of Mantua rope, although they possess an unpleasant kind of "stiffness", causing poor handling characteristics, especially when doing ratlines, but they're definitely not fluffy.
I'm impressed with your patience. I guess you'll need some more tries before you can declare succes though.
If I were to make these mice, the Dutch language would be enriched by quite a few new inventive expletives...
The fuzziness of ropes is a nuisance, to put it mildly. What worked for me were the various thicknesses and colors of Mantua rope, although they possess an unpleasant kind of "stiffness", causing poor handling characteristics, especially when doing ratlines, but they're definitely not fluffy.
Good afternoon Johann. Yes, The mice are heading for the mice trap. Back to doing blocks on the yards. I will have to have another go sometime tho. I think the fuzz is from the threads being overworked some. The Mantua thinner thread only fuzzes after I have dyed it. I have been using Indian ink.

Cheers Grant
Great job on the weaving! I think the core shape is key. If you can't get the taper of the core where you need it maybe create the taper leading up to the core with multiple wraps of serving prior to weaving? Hope this makes sense to you. Take this with a grain of salt as I've never made one-yet.

Great job on the weaving! I think the core shape is key. If you can't get the taper of the core where you need it maybe create the taper leading up to the core with multiple wraps of serving prior to weaving? Hope this makes sense to you. Take this with a grain of salt as I've never made one-yet.

Good evening Glenn. Thanks. Yes I think you are correct. The base looked good to the eye however as you weave it accentuates the lack of shape. Well I have 8 to make and I will keep on giving them a shot, learning and redoing. To the naked eye it looks good. Cheers Grant
The Mantua thinner thread only fuzzes after I have dyed it. I have been using Indian ink.
I tried dying the original Billing Boats rope, that was extremely unsuccessful; uneven coloring of the rope and darkblueish instead of black.
Decided to go for Mantua rope in two colors; black and beige. That worked for me.
1655939656340.pngMouse issues Grant?

If I didn't know any better I suspect you may have enjoyed skewering the pesky little rodent with your needle file ROTF

Seriously though, it looks like an intricate job though that probably gets easier with each new pass.

Or call an exterminator ... Good luck! Thumbsup
Hi Grant very impressive job with the rigging. I had a lot of trouble with the mouse as well, I wasted a lot of time trying to weave it and ended up with a mess. I found a good alternative on the web this is how I did mine.


Firstly I made the base by drilling a hole in a piece of dowel, I turned the drill round in the chuck and used the shank to hold the mouse. Then filing it to shape in a Dremel if it is loose a little CA on the end should hold it. Make it smaller than required.

This is the cheat cut off a small piece, just enough to go around the mouse and wide enough to cover the rope a little on both ends. The glue on the elastoplast will hold it in place.


To finish paint the elastoplast to match then serve over the ends of the elastoplast stopping at the mouse.

Hope this helps Tony
Having never weaved a mouse I have been following your progress with great interest Grant. I wasn’t sure if my own model rigging plan required them. However, it is now a domestic issue in my household.

My wife and I are both retired and most mornings ask each other what we are doing for the day. Today was no different. “What are you doing today?”, she asked.

Me: “going downstairs to check on a mouse”.
Her: “we have mice?!”, she said with a horrified look, “mice!”.

I tried to explain but I know it’s going to be a very quiet day today. The good news is there’s no mouse on my rigging plans :D.
Hi Grant very impressive job with the rigging. I had a lot of trouble with the mouse as well, I wasted a lot of time trying to weave it and ended up with a mess. I found a good alternative on the web this is how I did mine.

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Firstly I made the base by drilling a hole in a piece of dowel, I turned the drill round in the chuck and used the shank to hold the mouse. Then filing it to shape in a Dremel if it is loose a little CA on the end should hold it. Make it smaller than required.

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This is the cheat cut off a small piece, just enough to go around the mouse and wide enough to cover the rope a little on both ends. The glue on the elastoplast will hold it in place.

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To finish paint the elastoplast to match then serve over the ends of the elastoplast stopping at the mouse.

Hope this helps Tony
Good morning Tony. Wow. I’m going to give this a go for sure. You may just be my “lifesaver” here. Thank you. Cheers Grant
Hi Grant,
I admire your perseverance with the 'mouse', keep at and you will get it. From looking at my Vasa log, the verdict is in regarding sails for your ship. We all want to see you do sails, ha, so there you have it my friend.:)
Hi Grant,
I admire your perseverance with the 'mouse', keep at and you will get it. From looking at my Vasa log, the verdict is in regarding sails for your ship. We all want to see you do sails, ha, so there you have it my friend.:)
Good morning Daniel- from the start of my adventure with “Grants” Victory your input, advice, recommendations, encouragement have been invaluable to my build. Truely appreciate this.

And now....you do this to me. Sails....let me think about it......NO.ROTF. I have been thinking about my next build and Sails will be done- so maybe a TugboatROTF. Seriously I just know I’m not ready for these yet. The time will come tho. In mean time I will

Cheers Grant
Good morning Daniel- from the start of my adventure with “Grants” Victory your input, advice, recommendations, encouragement have been invaluable to my build. Truely appreciate this.

And now....you do this to me. Sails....let me think about it......NO.ROTF. I have been thinking about my next build and Sails will be done- so maybe a TugboatROTF. Seriously I just know I’m not ready for these yet. The time will come tho. In mean time I will

Cheers Grant
Are you now a true South Africaner? Shying away from a challenge, an opportunity to improve your already impressive build by leaps and bounds? I definitely thought better of you.
Some nine months ago I never sat down behind a sewing machine, but lacking the fisherman's stay sail on my Bluenose rebuild, I forced myself to go ahead and just do it. Was I successful with my first try? No, it took me at least four tries, before something emerged, resembling a sail.
Emboldened by my success, I started adding furled sales to another old build: the Scottish Maid.
Mind you, I didn't have any sail plans, so I made paper templates first, before transferring the lines to cloth and again, after some trial and error I had a convincing set of sails.
My point being, if I can pull this off, I see absolutely no reason you can't.
Are you now a true South Africaner? Shying away from a challenge, an opportunity to improve your already impressive build by leaps and bounds? I definitely thought better of you.
Some nine months ago I never sat down behind a sewing machine, but lacking the fisherman's stay sail on my Bluenose rebuild, I forced myself to go ahead and just do it. Was I successful with my first try? No, it took me at least four tries, before something emerged, resembling a sail.
Emboldened by my success, I started adding furled sales to another old build: the Scottish Maid.
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Mind you, I didn't have any sail plans, so I made paper templates first, before transferring the lines to cloth and again, after some trial and error I had a convincing set of sails.
My point being, if I can pull this off, I see absolutely no reason you can't.
Good morning Johann. Using the “put a challenge in front of a South African “ card was your last and desperate play....;). We do rise to these challenges time and time again for sure. Those Furled sails do really look good on your ship and I’ve seen models where a combination of furled and full are used . Look amazing.

I will make a deal with you- If Darryn and Brad Binder (two SA brothers racing in GP) both make the podium at the Dutch MotoGP in Assen today I will do sails.ROTF. Boy, I wish I could be there today, it is the best track on the GP circuit.

Cheers Grant
Good morning Johann. Using the “put a challenge in front of a South African “ card was your last and desperate play....;). We do rise to these challenges time and time again for sure. Those Furled sails do really look good on your ship and I’ve seen models where a combination of furled and full are used . Look amazing.

I will make a deal with you- If Darryn and Brad Binder (two SA brothers racing in GP) both make the podium at the Dutch MotoGP in Assen today I will do sails.ROTF. Boy, I wish I could be there today, it is the best track on the GP circuit.

That's a looser's bet!
It's more likely that hell freezes over than those two sharing the podium...
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