Hohenzollernmodell 1660-1670 Scale 1/75 POF build by Stephan Kertész (Steef66)

Thanks again for all the likes and visit to my log.
It goes a little more quicker with my new tool. And it is learning how to handle it, I can go to almost 95% of the sanding. Just a little part by hand now. You need to hold the Proxxon loosely in your hand and move it around a bit over the area to get a nice smooth result. I can hold a plank against the already sanded area to look if it is good, and yes it is straight. Almost halfway.

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Part A will be the easy part, almost every frame is the same. And B will be the pain to make. But that I hear more people saying.
Enjoy the pictures of the result so far.

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A nice job, Stephan, with you new second hand tool. For sure you will find the right procedure for the other parts.
Regards, Peter