Work continues on the display guns...with my attitude going from bad to worse as the next unavoidable task was rigging

. Have I mentioned that gun rigging is my least favorite aspect of model ship construction

I find those 'third hand' clamping tools to be unhelpful, so for the Vasa I made this simple jig that allows me to hold what I am working on firmly in place:
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In the image above I am seizing the 'knot' that connects the breech line to an eyebolt.
In the image below the breech line has been attached to the cascabel. And at the prompting of my forum friend Frank, I have added some axle straps to the side of the carriage. Whether these would have been used for this light 6 lb. gun is uncertain - but I do like the visual enhancement to the gun carriage. They might also be anachronistic; my research was mixed:
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Next, I turned my attention to the out-haul tackles (I will not model in-haul tackles). Even at 1:48 these present a challenge of scale. The blocks would have been 5" or 6" blocks in real life so 3 mm boxwood blocks were selected. Antscherl argues that the customary pairing of a single block and a double block was only used when guns exceeded 32 lbs. To that end I have used two single blocks.
Handling small blocks isn't easy so I used this arrangement:
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Here are the blocks ready to go...
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Or so I thought. In the end I remade almost everything you see above in order to make things less bulky. I wanted to show the out-haul tackle as if the guns were
housed and by the time I did the frapping it looked pretty sad.
Here is the upgraded version:
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Here is one of the guns on the ship with its tackle in place and the breech line just sitting loose:
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Of course, this configuration is nonsense because the gun tackle would not be frapped while the gun was hauled out and ready - but neither did I want rope coils on my admiralty model. Compromises abound on this ship.
I have now stored all four guns pending their final installation at a (much) later date.
Thanks for stopping by!