Just in case you decide to go Technicolor, the brown head is Europe's version of a Kingfisher. The more beautiful one here in the U.S. is my favorite bird and I think the better looking of the two. Notice the very long, stout, and pointed beak.
These birds have a very distinctive call as they fly a quite low and bouncy trajectory along stream courses.
Hello. I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. The kingfisher you find more beautiful is the European kingfisher. Here's the link to the report.
What are kingfishers?
An introduction to kingfishers (family Alcendinidae), including a brief description of what they look like, what they eat, how diverse they are, where they live, and what their conservation status is.evolution.earthathome.org
Take it outside, boys .I checked your link, yep you are correct, this is the US version I grew up with on the creek". I have to agree with you, that aqua colored head on the European version is a bit more dignified than the US punk hair (feather) cut bird.
Thanks for getting me straightened out.

It seems I have carved a duck rather than a kingfisher!!!