Well, you have opened up a topic that I would like to gain some perspective on from the members of the forum...If you want to build the lower deck, you should also think to install the fore and after platform.
The big question is: how much of the lower structures will be visible on a model like this?
Christian has mentioned some platforms that form a floor of sorts in the hold (located only fore and aft). Then there is a lower deck that runs nearly the length of the ship (stopping at the next-to-last gunport location). Then there is an upper deck that runs the full length of the ship. Then there is a sizable quarter deck at the back end, and a smaller forecastle deck at the front end.
The construction of these decks includes beams, knees, carlings, ledges... you've all seen fantastic open deck structures on other models. Of course, all this woodwork obstructs the view of whatever lies below (never mind the obstruction created by decking - even if it is installed sparingly).
The kit only intends for the builder to install the upper deck, quarter deck and forecastle deck leaving off everything below. I have already departed from that with the limber strakes and limber boards. But do I continue to add every layer with all its details or is that just silly?
I guess I wasn't even really aware of all of this when I started - but I am now entering a season of decision-making. I want to end up with a visually attractive and interesting model - but I also don't want to waste my limited modeling time, nor was I thinking this would be a ten-year project.
I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts!