My 1/36 is a little more different as your 1/36, Nigel.


Si è vero sono della stessa epocaGrazie @Vinicio ,
i compare a lot of informations between the L´Ambitieux, my little la Belle and the Album de Colbert. We both have the same epoch and our vessels are build in Rochefort.
Si in effetti era solo un modello di studio e mai costruitoThe Ambitious did not exist. It is a model invented by Jean Boudriot to represent a ship from this period.
I am not so sure:Thank you Uwe. The dotted lines are the position for the columns. The notches could be more deeper, but finaly the columns will hide them.
Upps - Understood - everything clear@Uwe
it´s only a "error" in the view. I have to rotate the the keelson to fit in in a DIN A4 frame. The side view is 180 degree different to the topview. Thats all..
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