La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette

@Kurt Konrath

Hello friends,
I am glad that you still have an interest in my work. Thanks for that, and also to all for the LIKES.

Continuation: Equipment of the fore yard -Truss pendants / Drosse d'une basse vergue
As announced, I made the truss pendants for the fore yard. The truss pendants consists of two partly served ropes, at each end of which a thimble was spliced in. In the following picture you can see how one side of the truss pendants is attached to the yard by means of lashing. Later it will be moved to the right position.

The next picture shows the finished truss pendants. Admittedly, it looks a bit wild, but I think you can see it so far.

In this context, I show an illustration that once again clarifies the functional principle of the truss pendants. Unlike the British, where the ropes went to the deck for mooring, the French led the rope ends upward over sheave gates in the trestle trees to the top. There they were lashed down with tackles.

As with the main yard, the position of the two quarter blocks is secured with a strop so as not to be pulled toward the ends of the yards by the sheets.
Not to be forgotten is the jackstay of the fore yard, which I will do next.
To be continued ...
Thank you for your interest.
It took a while with the continuation.
I hope you like it.

Thanks to all for the interest and the LIKES.

Continuation: Equipment of the fore yard - Jackstay / Filière d`envergure; Blocks for buntlines and clewlines / Poulies de cargue fond et poulies de boulin
I would like to explain the installation of the jackstay in a little more detail using the fore yard as an example. According to my research and the Paris model, the jackstay was completely served to obtain the required stiffness. The eye splices for the yard arms and the thimbles of the tackle in the center of the yard were also served.
How to implement this for the model in conjunction with the eyebolts?
The solution is a bit tricky, but quite feasible, as shown in the following photo collage. I think the pictures are so far self-explanatory.

The assembly on the yard, on the other hand, was very easy to accomplish.

The rope for the tackle was pulled in and lashed as well as the blocks for buntlines and clewlines were already attached.

To be continued ...
Thank you very much for the nice comments. Thanks also to everyone else for the LIKES.

Hello fellow colleagues,
Back from Italy I escaped straight to the cool basement shipyard ...:D
But apart from a few "finger exercises" I didn't get much done. I guess I have to "groove in" first, to put it drum-wise...:D

Continued: Equipment of the fore yard -footropes and stirrups - Marchepieds et étrier

In the meantime, the footropes and stirrups for the fore yard have been completed. With the help of the following photomontage I just want to give you a few more insights into the production of the details.

On the next picture I show the current equipment level of the fore yard, where not too much is missing anymore.

Up soon ...
Nie przestajesz nas zaskakiwać swoją wiedzą i dokładną pracą. Pozdrawiam Mirek

You never cease to amaze us with your knowledge and thorough work. Regards, Mirek
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Thank you very much for the nice comments. Thanks also to everyone else for the LIKES.

Hello fellow colleagues,
Back from Italy I escaped straight to the cool basement shipyard ...:D
But apart from a few "finger exercises" I didn't get much done. I guess I have to "groove in" first, to put it drum-wise...:D

Continued: Equipment of the fore yard -footropes and stirrups - Marchepieds et étrier

In the meantime, the footropes and stirrups for the fore yard have been completed. With the help of the following photomontage I just want to give you a few more insights into the production of the details.
View attachment 384235

On the next picture I show the current equipment level of the fore yard, where not too much is missing anymore.
View attachment 384236

Up soon ...
Also from my side my deepest respect, Johann. What a level of details of that rigging. How many yards te go ………
Regards, Peter
@Peter Voogt

Hello colleagues,
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Also to all the others my thanks for the LIKES.

Continuation: Equipment of the fore yard - Bream blocks - Poulie de bras
In the context of the production of the brace blocks with stroops for the fore yard, I would like to go into more detail here as well.
The length of these blocks is 24 cm in the original, which corresponds to 5 mm in 1:48 scale. With this block size I do not use extra sheaves, but work them out of the wood.
The served strops for the blocks of the fore braces on my corvette were connected by thimbles, which was commonly called "dog and bitch" connection (see drawing).
Source: The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships - Longridge, C. Nepean - Spritsail yard of HMS Victory

The following picture shows a brace block with the prepared strops and the thimbles already connected. The connections of the strops can be seen by the dark color of the super glue. These areas will be covered later by the lashing and will then no longer be visible.

The manikin is to show the scale of the block with the strops.

The next picture shows how the lashing is applied around the gluing area.

Here you can see the finished rigging element.

The next picture shows the port side yardarm of the fore yard.

In order from the inside out, the following rigging elements are already in place:
- Grommet strop
- Jackstay
- thimble strop for clew
- footrope
- Strop for yard tackle
- Strop with brace block

Finally the lifts and the fore yard sheets are missing, as well as the studding sail booms
To be continued ...
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The more posts of yours I go thru, the more I am amazed at how much patience, (not to mention the skills), you should have in order to make such details. I am afraid to ask if there is anything you omit without considering showing it. At the same time, I am so happy that we have the ability to see and learn from your log. Yay!!!
Jesteś dla nas wzorem do naśladowania i podziwiania , z ogromną przyjemnością oglądam każdą twoją relację. Pozdrawiam Mirek

You are a role model for us to follow and admire, I am very happy to watch your every relationship. Regards, Mirek
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