What is the name of this tool and where can I find one?
That is called a 'Marlin spike'. Sailers use this. I think Johann made this out a injection needle.What is the name of this tool and where can I find one?
You could try something like: Embroidery Punch Needle or Clover Kantan Couture needle. Available ex uncle Ali. These could serve you as miniature marlin spikes.What is the name of this tool and where can I find one?
I was referring to these used by my daughter for her needle work. I'm sure they could be modified somewhat by those of us with lesser skills... BTW Wonderful work you are doing. Most enjoyable.@pianoforte
Hello Adi,
Thank you for your nice comment. I'm glad you like it.
Thank you very much for your tip, but this does not work with these needles.
On the one hand they are apparently too thick, on the other hand the hole is not an advantage for what I do with it.
I've been getting along very well with my self-made marlin spikes from a cannula ø 1.2 mm and ø 0.8 mm for a long time.
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We talk about a marlin spike, but that is a little incorrect. A marlin spike is actually a big needle without sharp point. Used to separate the strands. You can use a normal needle for this in modelbuilding. Just un-sharpen the tip.I was referring to these used by my daughter for her needle work. I'm sure they could be modified somewhat by those of us with lesser skills... BTW Wonderful work you are doing. Most enjoyable.
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ahhh! now I understand clearly. This answer is very much appreciated as is the video link further explaining the difference [Swedish fid/Dragonspike] I'm familiar with a Marlin Spike as one was given to me several decades ago but I've never heard of a DragonSpike. Steef66 your knowledge, tuition and selflessness in passing on all and any information you've accumulated over the years is simply outstanding and a credit to your persona. Kudos to you. Cheers.We talk about a marlin spike, but that is a little incorrect. A marlin spike is actually a big needle without sharp point. Used to separate the strands. You can use a normal needle for this in modelbuilding. Just un-sharpen the tip.
The cannula Johann is using, is based on a Swedish Fid or Dragonspike, a hollow marlin spike.
Here is a video where you can see the difference between them
When you work on a little scale you will discover that Johann is right about the fact that a needle will not work and a cannula does. I tried both and a cannula is perfect in this case because you keep the shape in your rope. With a needle you have to tear the strands to much from eachother to get the rope between the strands.
Sorry Johan to break in your log.