La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette

I am very happy about your nice comments.Thanks for that, and also for the LIKES.

Continued: Equipment of the fore yard - topsail sheets, lifts and studding sail booms
In the meantime, the topsail sheets, the lifts and the studding sail booms were attached to the fore yard for my little French girl.


I almost forgot an important detail to complete the equipment of the fore yard, namely the arrangement of the blocks for the clewlines, the sheets and the tacks.
I'll do that again and report back soon.
So see you soon...
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Thank you for your continued interest, and also for your kind comment.

Completion: Equipment of the fore yard
With the production and arrangement of the blocks for the clewlines, sheets and tacks, the fore yard is fully equipped and is set aside until assembly on the model.
At the end of this work on the fore yard, here are a few more pictures:


The last of the lower yards that still needs to be equipped is the mizzen yard.

Sequel follows …
Guten Morgen Archjofo, ich habe deine Arbeit bewundert und halte dich für einen Meister.

Jetzt möchte ich, dass Sie hier mit einer Tabelle den Stand der Technik der Drähte zusammenfassen, die Sie je nach Durchmesser verwenden:

  • Art des Garns (Baumwolle, Seide, Leinen usw.)
  • Titolo relativo (Nr. 100, Nr. 50, ecc.)
  • Marke, Drahtmuster.

Ich habe die Maschine zum Servieren (Bedecken) der Kabel gesehen, ich würde auch gerne die bettmaschine (Masuola, etc.) auf dem Foto sehen

Ich danke Ihnen für die Hilfe, die Sie mir geben wollen.

Ich folge Ihnen mit großer Bewunderung. Corrado.
Hello Corrado,
I am glad that you like my work.As already correctly written by Stephan @Steef66, I use silk yarns from the companies Gütermann S 303 and YLI #100 for the production of the ropes. Recently, I have also been using silk thread from the company Kimono Silk Thread for the running rigging. This is comparable in quality to YLI but available in 1000m cones.
Unfortunately, I don't have a table in the actual sense. But I can show you this diagram, which unfortunately does not show all rope diameters.

I always make the ropes individually as required for the appropriate diameter. I have always provided the relevant information in my construction report.
If I'm guessing right, then by "bettaschine" you mean my rope making machine.

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Ciao Johann, grazie per la risposta esauriente e immediata.
Ora vorrei chiederti di scrivermi sulla mia email privata che è:
Avrò altre domande per te in futuro e preferirei usare l'e-mail privata.
Grazie. Corrado.

Hi Johann, thank you for the comprehensive and immediate response.
Now I would like to ask you to write me on my private email which is:
I will have more questions for you in the future and would prefer to use private email.
Thank you. Conrad.
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@Corrado Colombo
I am very grateful and pleased for your interest in my work and the nice comments.
That always motivates me.Many thanks to everyone for the many LIKES.

Equipment of the mizzen yard - Slings and Quarterblock / Suspentes et poulie d'ecoute
The mizzen yard of the La Créole had no jackstay and only a quarter block for deflecting the sheets in the middle of the yard. This block was therefore designed as a double block, as can be seen in the following detailed photo of the Paris model.

Source: La Créole monograph by J. Boudriot, page 168

Based on these double blocks with a length of 5.6 mm in model size, I would like to explain my method of block production in more detail.
I scale the drawing of a double block from the Atlas du génie maritime to the required size and glue the printout to a strip of pear wood with the appropriate dimensions. Since I use separate discs for this block size, the disc gates are milled in the next step. In this case with a width of 0.6 mm.
After shaping with an emery file, the grooves for the strops are made with a round file. The fine sanding is done with a fine steel wool and the final finish is done with a ball matting.

As can be seen in the next picture, I have meanwhile attached the fully served slings and in between the double block for the mizzen topsail sheets using rose lashings.

The next step will be the production of the truss pendants.
Sequel follows …
Witaj Corrado,
Cieszę się, że podoba Ci się moja praca. Jak już poprawnie napisał Stephan @Steef66, do produkcji lin używanych jedwabnych przędz firmy Gütermann S 303 i YLI #100. Od zwykłego standardu jedwabnych nici firmy Kimono Silk Thread do olinowania biegowego. Jest to podobne pod względem jakości do YLI, ale dostępne w stożkach 1000 m.
Niestety nie mam wykazu w ścisłym tego słowa charakterystycznego. Ale mogę pokazać ten schemat, który niestety nie pokazuje wszystkich średnic lin.

Linie zawsze wykonuję według przepisu dla medycyny. Zawsze dostarczałem informacji w moim projekcie z budowy.
Jeśli dobrze zgaduję, przez "bettaschine" masz na myśli moją maszynę do naprawy lin.
Bardzo podobają mi się liny ruchome które robisz z nici jedwabnych firmy Kimono Silk a jaki to numer koloru i gdzie go kupujesz .Pozdrawiam Mirek

I really like the moving ropes that you make from Kimono Silk silk threads and what color number is it and where do you buy it. Regards Mirek
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I don't know if I asked before. But with polyester yarn you can put the made rope in the oven and then it will keep its shape afterwards. This seems impossible to me with silk and then the rope will quickly fray. That seems to me very difficult to work with, this adds respect to your work. Or is the fraying not so bad.