Thank you, Gerard! Thank you for your efforts, through which beautiful models will be built! According to the drawings purchased or "lifted from the ground" ...
I hope to "repay a debt" with a video journal ... People will look, they will want to buy drawings and build a model on them ...
I do not make excuses and consider myself an honest and well-mannered person who understands that you have to pay for everything ...
I am sure - this is not necessary to teach me.
...My apologies that the drawings were not purchased, but taken from the free Internet... I wanted to buy, but failed....
There are different situations in life when we do not act as expected ... This is called - there is no choice!I can afford to buy high-quality drawings, thereby thanking the developer, but trying to register several times on the site ANCRE ... I chose to "take them from the ground"and get started, instead of figuring out why they were not registering me ...
I am grateful for the feedback about my work and willingness to help, but ... I did not ask for free help from the author. I asked if the author changed the error in the drawings that he distributes ... Why did I ask?
My friend , after seeing my construction site , 2 years ago purchased a monograph with drawings from ANCRE. I called him 30 minutes ago to find out; what's on his drawings and what year they are ... 1994. And they do not have 18 pounder guns ...
Tell me, Gerard ... Would I have avoided this error, if 3.5 years ago I could register and purchase the drawings from ANCRE? I think no...
However - I'm not upset! Before starting construction, I paid attention to this detail; unequal guns on the gondek ... And I thought: "Well, here are the French, well done! Unloaded the stern and nose, reducing the caliber of the 3 front and rear guns ..."

I decided to continue to build the model as it is drawn ... Let the mistakes be sought by descendants, and contemporaries enjoy.
And I am pleased to talk with a man whom I respect!