Today was a holiday…I started with organizing all the components in the kit…
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I won’t be using any of the plastic blocks or deadeyes, even though they are stropped properly. Looks like I am making a huge order soon for wooden deadeyes, blocks, cleats, rope, etc. from our favorite vendor!

After that I added the upper board on the galley…
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Once that was dry, I decided I wasn’t completely happy with my previous progress and took the opportunity to go ahead make that better.
First I sanded again between the upper and lower to average the bevel, then I used a riffler file to creat a V groove between boards…
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I try to stay on the radius of the file and drag it carefully across to make sure I stay in the groove. Do not rush or push too hard or bad things will happen!
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When coming to an edge, I simply get on the point and pull away from the edge, using your finger tip to control.

After making the groove, if I have an adjacent board with an overhang, then I come back and file on that board at an angle with a flat file…
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Basically I do most all model wood working by hand, especially trim pieces already glued to the ship. I can profile them by hand. You can make a V grove with a rifler file, or a U or circular groove with a rat taile file. You have to make a small v groove as a guide prior to using a rat tail file…just an FYI.

Also below I show a technique to keep your bevel consistent by hand…
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What I do is use the table top to maintain my angle by determining the overhang of the file on the board, which changes your angle, then maintain that overhang distance as you drag the file around the edge. This creates a more uniform and consistent angle by hand. Of course I do a lot without using this method, but it can be helpful in some circumstances.

And a few pics of the end results. It will most likely be more obvious what I have once everything is painted. The edge or profile boards will be gold, as will the carvings.
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That’s it for now…Happy Modeling!
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