Saint-Philippe 1693-POF to the Monograph by Jean-Claude Lemineur by NMBrook-1/36

Thank you Knut

Yes heaps of work.I did a bit of a calculation yesterday.Two weekends worth of spare time to do one frame X 60 plus frames,looking at two years plus.I did say this was a BIG build and not just in size.
I am also planning on adding the Paduk gunport frame sides during frame construction bar three ports at the bow which are angled.Much more work to do now but I feel I can get neater results easier at this stage.The Hahn style of building will allow me to work accurately so they don't end up like a Mexican wave when assembled.
Actually putting the frame together in a jig will be the easy part I feel.

Kind Regards

Thanks Brian

Finally I have the first frame together.I little bit of backtracking because I made a revision.The original plan is that the uprights of the railings (also the top of the frames) would be Pear,however studying how the railings went together and given the fact that everything else that would be red is going to be African Padauk,I decided that these also needed to be made of the red timber.
The top futtocks have sections of Padauk let into them (which includes the extensions for the jig).The hardwood crosspiece is part of the jig and holds everything true and the top edge will sit on the building board with the hull being built upside down.
I am pleased how the mortices turned out and should be fairly prominent when the finish is applied.All bevels are very much in the rough and will be faired properly when the hull is assembled.

Kind Regards


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Thanks Uwe.

Yes the frame will look a little unusual until the topsides are planked.More so because the length of the Padauk section will vary to suit the frame design in each location.One thing I will say is this timber is far more of a deep orangey red in reality in natural light.It looks rather brown in the pics.

Kind Regards

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On to my second frame (of 62o_O).The Padauk insert goes right down the length of the top futtock as it has to incorporate the lining of a gunport on the main deck.I chose this route as half the frame is missing due to the gunport and didn't like the idea of splitting what was left to fit a Padauk insert.Not only that but the sides of this port are angled in plan.The Paduak inserts were cut dead on to the inside profile and oversize on the outer profile.
The inserts will milled down in thickness save for where the gunport is.The inner vertical edge of the port actually sits past the frame centreline(the real ship had a 1inch liner to the sides of the gunport)
Then using some careful packing on the miller I was able to shape the angled geometry of the gunport side.I also added rebates for the cill and head.You will note I have opted for a square box rebate for the head instead of a dovetail.The purists will through me off a cliff for it but it is easier to manufacture accurately and you CANNOT tell the difference when planked inside and out.
The other half of the frame was milled out to leave a void.All this section will be removed later as it runs through the gunport.

Kind Regards


Thank you very much Guys :)

Maarten,no gunport linings as such the frames will form the linings.Where appropriate I will rebate a Padauk section into the frame or as I have had to do on this frame,replace the futtock.The whole interior bar decks and officers quarters will be furnished in Padauk.The officers quarters will be the only area that is probably going to be painted.These have white interiors with gilt detailing and I can't think of a wood substitute.

Uwe,yes 62 double frames with morticeso_O

Kind Regards

Thank you very much Guys :)

Maarten,no gunport linings as such the frames will form the linings.Where appropriate I will rebate a Padauk section into the frame or as I have had to do on this frame,replace the futtock.The whole interior bar decks and officers quarters will be furnished in Padauk.The officers quarters will be the only area that is probably going to be painted.These have white interiors with gilt detailing and I can't think of a wood substitute.

Uwe,yes 62 double frames with morticeso_O

Kind Regards

After a thoroughly enjoyable week away with my wife and two dogs I have come home and got stuck in.I have finished the second frame and joined the two together.The idea is that I am going to build a vertical jig so that I can build the first 13 frames from the bow into a unit that can be worked on before going into the full length Hahn style jig.Fairing the inside surfaces into a rough form will be easier as I go along giving me many options for using power tools.
The rest of the frames back from the first 13 will be easier to fair when the hull is complete as the curves are less severe so less material to remove.
I have fitted the chock that sits on the keel because it makes a solid spacer to ensure my frame centres will work out.
Oh and I have ordered a new larger mill and accessories,should land Tuesday :) .Cheaper than what I have been looking at but should do the job and will take up to a 12mm cutterRedface
Anyway some pics of the first two frames as a unit.

Kind Regards

