Santisima Trinidad - Occre Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]

Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

What in the world am I thinking - major mistake on the way. Wrapped the upper shrouds around the wrong Mast !!!! ARRrrgggg !!!! The only way around this is to drag out the chain saw and cut the Mast through on the fore and aft mast to slip them back to the rear. Dang it !!!
I guess the ye boss Admiral "upstairs" must'ave been looking over me shoulder dar matey before it became to late. Yo ho ho - well I ain't gotta bottle of rum to wash this one away ... (besides, I don't Rum anyways !!! )

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Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Wow even Donnie makes stupid mistakes now I'm not alone anymore. Glad you caught it! Good thing you got the Admiral. I think you should cut the lines not the wood . A chain saw is a bit drastic don't you think.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Time for me to take a break I say ye !!! (and to collect my thoughts). This means I am going to have to cut through two mast b/c I ain't gonna rig those tiny deadeyes again and redo this one. (on the wrong mast I say) --- I sat back and looked at the shrouds and I thought -- HUmmm -- that mast ain't gonna be fitting to well b/c that there Shrouds is in the WAYYYyyyy. What ?? Deep breath - slumped down in my chair.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Everything on a ship has a reason and there is always a rule for it. These rules of course changed with the times. The rules can be hard to find. A lot of them have been lost with time. That is why I have 5 cd's and over 60 reference books on ship modeling.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>I'll probably wind up doing the right thing and re rigging the upper shrouds around the correct mast.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Each book has something to offer. My favorite book is dependent on the ship I am building at the time and the its stage of construction. There a some that are outstanding that are written for a specific ship like Longridge's books on the Cutty Sark and HMS Victory. Choose the ones off of Donnie"s and my list under reference materials and you will have most of the information you will need.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Thankyou for that info . I can't afford to buy 60 books I love the Cutty Sark and the Victory they are among my favorite ships . It's awful the Cutty Sark burned so badly in the fire.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Donnie hey Mattie ! URg >.....Don't Abandon the ship ! you've got to redo those lines. I was thinking maybe you can cut them some where and than tie them back together like a Sailor would do ! Get A Magnifying glass !</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>You build your collection over time. There is Christmas, Father's day, birthday and at least one got to have day a year. A lot of my books are no longer in print and were bought over a 40 year period.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Decided to gently pull the rigging away and install them on the correct mast. I started last night. Maybe today at some point I can upload some more pics of what I did. We all learn from mistakes - not a biggie. Take care guys and gals with your builds.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>I am over half way correcting my mistake. Not a big problem. I am glad I caught it in time. I decided not to cut my mast. Not a good idea - immediate fix - yes, but bad idea. In the long run, that upper mast will never have the strength to withstand the other rigging pressures applied to it. I thought about this and this is why I wanted to do it right.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Great decision I knew you would handle it . Can't wait to see new photo's Most people visit S.O.S. to watch your build log . You need to keep up with your fans . Looking good . A masterful job your doing much better than most work I have seen . Nice and clean very detailed and an authentic look to the Trinidad .</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

Upper Foremast Shrouds completed after reworking some mistakes. Canon EOS T3i Camera settings Aperture F29 @ 6 sec shutter speed on a tripod of course. Corel PSP Ultimate X4 touchup with curves and some fill flash.


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Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

I noticed that you have used boxwood deadeyes. They are probably stronger than walnut ones. They are shaped very well. However, if you stain these with walnut color, they would seem more natural to me. I just use walnut ones and have not had any problems with strength. My biggest problem with them is their disappearing act when you drop one.
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Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

I just noticed that the shrouds are not black. It seems like most kit manufactures use uncolored or beige rigging line and picture this as their box art. Standing rigging is tarred and thus, black. The shrouds are tarred, but its ratlines are not because boots would slip off them. The gammoning that holds down the bowspirt is the only other item that functions like standing rigging, but is not tarred.<br/>
It is unfortunate that the manufactures lead many people astray and still have the nerve to call their model museum quality. If they showed and provided rigging in beige and black, I could agree with museum quality. <br/>
Incidently, I have even seen one museum accept a model with only four sizes of rigging and all of the same color.
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

I agree with Gary the Shrouds would be covered with Tar . I was wondering if you could use a colored beeswax to mimick this look on a colored shroud giving it a more authentic look . Kind of make your own Tar . Since Beeswax will smooth the Strings and strengthen the lines . I have used beeswax on Lawn mower Pull cords to keep them from breaking under the constant pulling and scraping along the Eyelets . So it seems like someone could come up with a beeswax coloring to look like tar . On the other hand we could just go with tar itself ?Maybe not a good idea . The rigging looks great . I am sure some people would like the to use black and white to make an artistic effect . Just a note . I believe if I remember correctly that white is the absence of color and black is the combination of many colors . Your doing a wonderful job really shows what takes to make a shroud correctly . A lot of pain staking work !
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

Gary - didn't think about that - thanks for the tip - I'll consider.
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

Thank you Reggie for the compliments and to everyone else ! Well, the latest are the Foremast topgallant Shrouds. Against popular belief, I am not going to put Ratlines on these upper three lines. Some do and some don't.
