Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log
<t>Thanks Edwin - I hope I can stay motivated this time.<br/>
..thinking about how to answer your questions. After what seemed like a ton of research and then trying to decide which route to take, I discovered (at least to me) that there are actually several scenarios that can take place. I could be wrong, but this is what I did.<br/>
Case #1 - the sails are stowed, which are most likely tightly bound to the yard. Some of what I have seen, the bound (roll) is stationary at the top portion of the yard instead of hanging below the yard. I do believe that *all* of the running rigging and sail management is still there. I could not imagine that there would not be any running rigging removed for any reason at all.<br/>
Case #2 - Full sails out and sailing - obvious as all running and sail management employed.<br/>
Case #3 - Ship is in process of either starting to haul in the sails or to let the sails down implicating an action on board.<br/>
It is my humble opinion that no matter what case, you are still going to have all the running and sail management in tact and tied off at the belaying pins. This is why I wonder in the manuals or instructions, the kit designer tells the modeler to decide before hand if they want sail or not. This is really a misnomer.<br/>
If you go back and look at my build log, you will see for certain that I have the Bunt Lines, Leech Lines, Clew Lines, yard lifts, ect all in place tied off. I preferred this method to demonstrate action. In the process of raising or lowering sails, there will be some sagging due to bunt lines raising or lowering the sail until the sail is completely out or completely stowed.<br/>
I am certainly not an expert and I stand corrected if so, but according to my findings this is the route I decided.</t>