Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log
<t>Thanks for posting that for me Donnie, that is even more sophisticated that what I have in mind, but to spin down 10 dowels with sand paper a combination of my idea and yours should work just fine. You and I are of the same mind set Donnie, I am very critical of my work always hoping to get to someone else skill level. But you are very right, if I don't at some point look back at my work and say to myself that I have done the very best that I can, and have made something that I should be proud to display, I will always be criticizing myself and work. Have I made mistakes on the Sovereign....skippy I did, the important part to me anyway, is that I was able to work through them somewhat unnoticeable except to me. I have learned a lot with many thanks to yourself and the members of this great forum. As I had said when I started posting my build log, it is not for instructional purposes (because there are those that are far more capable then I to do that), or to boast about my abilities, but more to pass on the pluses and minuses of this kit.<br/>