Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log
<r>Folks, I have had some health related problems that has had my attention for quite some time. It is nothing serious, just a chronic pain problem that really grabs your attention and has a tendency to really make you not really interested in anything if you all know what I mean. It is not fun working on a project in pain.<br/>
In the meantime, I personally have found it quite down heartening as I have not updated my log on my Ships of scale website. For those just coming into the hobby that is <URL url=""></URL>.<br/>
I was going well with my newsletters and due to the above, I have basically completed my newsletter series and was going to start on another one. But now, I probably will not due to the lack of interest from the audience. To be honest, it has been like pulling teeth to get people to contribute to the newsletters. This along with my full time job and other duties is just not worth it. <br/>
What I want to say is not going to be good. I found it even more depressing as I never heard from anyone (from the website). I also found out something interesting, also quite depressing. I found out that when I had to stop contributing info on the website as far as my Contributors Builds, then I have not had anyone come forward with any builds that they want me to post. <br/>
I found out that as long as I begged people to showcase their models, then all was well. But, since my health issue over the past 3 months, no one has come forward with any builds. I can not continue to beg - I was hoping that at some point that people would catch on and would love the opportunity to have their ship showcased. But this has not been the case.<br/>
I was also hoping that people would be sending me their building tips and tricks of building - the only tips or tricks of building that I received was only after me soliciting and begging people.<br/>
So, I guess this reveals to me the very nature of things that people for the most part are consumers. Contributors not - but consuming yes. <br/>
I have I think close to 50 ships on line at the expense of me asking for it. I would have never dreamed that it would have been so difficult to get people to participate. <br/>
I am not mad - I guess it is disappointment. It is a disappointment well earned I guess. <br/>
I am at the point of where I am going to start working on the Trinidad again. This will be enough energy for me. I created all of the website for people like you to have another resource to go to. I found out that it is a thankless job. <br/>
At first, it was out of my love and enjoyment - but since I have not been well in such a long time - the silence and the deadness of the website has rung in my ears of what the true nature of things are. People are just not interested. I see that I have actually a ton of hits from all over the world,but I never hear from people. It goes back to people consume, but do not contribute or communicate in anyway. <br/>
It is what it is as I always say. <br/>
build on !</r>