Hey Mike,
Looking good! It looks like you used saran wrap over your frame plans to glue up your frame halves. If you use an ordinary sheet protector (Avery or Staples brands for three-ring binders) you won't have to battle with the tape holding the parts down properly. The plastic wrap doesn't offer any stability to the tape so when you secure the parts to each other during the glue up, they will move around with plastic wrap. The thin plastic sheet protector offers enough support to the tape to keep your pieces in position. Try that instead of the saran wrap. You will have a much easier time with the glue up.
I have two sheets that I cut from the sheet protectors, which fit over all of the frame plans. I tape down one of the sheets over one plan and glue up one of the halves. Then with the parts glued and taped down on that first sheet, I can remove the tape securing the plastic sheet over the plans and set it aside to dry.
Then I take the second plastic sheet and tape it over the plans and glue up the second half of the frame. When they are both dry (about two hours with the gorilla glue is fine) I give them a light sanding on my granite slab.
Another alternative to the slab is to just take it into the kitchen where you should have granite countertops or some equivalent flat surface and sand there. Or maybe a glass top table? It really isn't that messy of a process, so it won't anger the wife as long as you clean the wood dust up when done. It is just a light sanding to remove glue and to flatten the halves on both sides before you glue them together.
You will love the oscillating sander when it comes to sanding the insides and outside of the freshly glued up frames. It leaves them looking so good.
Give that a try and let me know.