Is it just me, or does the AL Soleil Royal hull appear to be unnaturally tall for its length and width? I'm scared to look at the GM for this model , , ,
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Can the hull be adjusted, and all those incredible decorations salvaged?No, you are certainly not alone on that, Kurt
????Can the hull be adjusted, and all those incredible decorations salvaged?
I don't think Nigel made major changes to the fullness or height of the hull. he did take 2mm off the bulkhead edges to make allowance for thicker planking, but I didn't see other changes. As for adjusting the overall hull shape, Nigel's past that point. He's working on a complete redesign of the internal decks, however.????
Isn't that exactly what Nigel is doing? What am I missing?
I had it in my head that he made the ship longer and that would have changed up the height and width ratios. I'll crawl back under my rock...I don't think Nigel made major changes to the fullness or height of the hull. he did take 2mm off the bulkhead edges to make allowance for thicker planking, but I didn't see other changes. As for adjusting the overall hull shape, Nigel's past that point. He's working on a complete redesign of the internal decks, however.
Lengthening the keel was a great move. It's be a great change to the hull. If it's messed up, Nigel will fix it.He lengthened the keel by at least 5”, so that he could properly lay out the guns, and cut correctly sized port openings. He is establishing correct deck sheer, and wale sheer that will culminate in an elegant top sheer. The height of the stern is pretty well determined by the stern and quarter decorations, but those are the things the kit gets right. Nigel also did a little tweaking of the bulkhead forms at both the bow and stern in order to create a more fair and credible run of the hull. What he is doing is really something that only the most highly skilled builders could pull-off. I am riveted, not because the kit is great, but because he will completely transform it into something quite remarkable, and something which will even improve upon the magnificent work of Michel Saunier.
Man, Skutnik really does a fantastic job of modeling these. I don’t think there is a better alternative, in any material, on the market. Scale and detail are second to none.
That last pic, Nigel, gives some semblance of the effect. I think this will be an excellent presentation of the ver-de-gis.
Yikes -- 3D printing I'm starting to read about that tech, too often. I'm now on the verge of realizing that I'm becoming a knuckle dragging neanderthal,
as it comes to my attempts (figuratively so far) of joining the 21st century in this hobby.
On my mental list of "to does" Your carriages would be a good starting point - easy shapes etc.....Glad that you have decided to keep moving forward with electronic assistants for this great model ship building passion.
Awesome! So, with these resin printings, is it necessary to sand away the print artifacts (lines), or do they not have a surface texture? Will you bother with cap-squares, or just do something simplified with paper or card?