An intermezzo...
I promised you that I would be back when the foremast shrouds were completed but I have run out of lanyard rope (ALREADY?!?) so I turned my attention to the foremast stay.
This line is looped over the shrouds at the masthead and feeds through itself with a 'mouse' to prevent a noose from forming around the mast. First up was making a loop at the end of a 1.4 mm rope (served). Here is what I ended up with:
View attachment 284229
Next, I needed to figure out how to make a mouse. My resource books both suggested using a wrap of wool to create the proper shape and then weaving thread around that clump of wool to sheathe the mouse. I couldn't make that work.
I then remembered that my Domanoff serving machine has an auxiliary disc that could be used to make a woven mouse. I couldn't make that work either (my bad not the tool's). Indeed,
@PGN (Paul) used the same machine to create a masterful rendition at a similar scale to my Vasa. Sigh...
Respect to you Paul!
So, I drilled a hole in the center of a small wooden rod and cut off a section (roughly 5 mm long) to form a wooden infrastructure for my mouse:
View attachment 284227
I then slid that piece on a toothpick (to use as a handle) and used sanding sticks and sandpaper to create the proper shape:
View attachment 284228
I then slide that wooden bit onto my rope and glued it in place...and then served over the whole thing:
View attachment 284230
View attachment 284231
Not woven but I can work with this.
Here it is on the ship:
View attachment 284233
And now the working end:
View attachment 284234
View attachment 284235
Yes, that is one wacky lanyard. From the Vasawarship forum I learned that the rigging sequence begins at the strop of the 4-holed block and is actually two distinct ropes (the left side mirrors the right side). I haven't figured out how to tie off these lines yet, but I still have time - I'm leaving everything loose for now pending future tensioning.
The overall picture:
View attachment 284236
One line = one day.
At this rate...
Thanks for taking time away from your own builds to visit mine. You are appreciated!