ottima osservazione AlessandroPaolo, ottimo lavoro. I fili sono meravigliosi. Permettimi di aggiungere un po '. Anche questa sezione del soggiorno dovrebbe essere ingabbiata. Contrassegnato con linee.View attachment 284640
Wonderful bit of information Sasha. I'll take care of this promptly. Much appreciated.Paul, great job. The threads are wonderful. Let me add a little. This section of the stay should also be caged. Marked with line.
Thanks Marc. I suppose one advantage of not knowing how something is 'supposed' to be done is that I'm freed to find unconventional solutions that work for me. I also suspect, more times than not, I make things harder for myself than necessary. Sigh...This was a really ingenious solution to the mouse problem; I'ma store that one away in the memory files!
Yes Gilbert, Sasha means the serving needs to be extended. It is Google Translate, which might need to take russian\english navy specific words lessonsHi Paul and Sasha
I don't understand what "caged" mean when speaking about section of the stay
THanks for explaination
Such a slacker…Sasha was pointing out that I needed to extend the serving (wrapping) below the loop. Here is the current version:
View attachment 284881
Conserving on handmade rope...Such a slacker…
JK - of course
Got it, thanks PaulSasha was pointing out that I needed to extend the serving (wrapping) below the loop. Here is the current version:
View attachment 284881
Hello Matt,Hi Paul,
I see that you are making beautiful ropes
Great job!
Together with beautiful blocks
However, I have one doubt.
Forestay blocks...
Are you using some reference photo/plan for that?
Stay has triple block, but bowsprit block inside the strop is only double...
I will be honest... but never seen this kind of solution. Quite unusual.
I think you should go either for triple blocks (like you can see on my model) or with stay as below (similar to deadeye)
Well, coming from the master of making ropes and rigging, that is a compliment I wasn't expecting (or deserving)!Hi Paul,
If I was you... I will do deadeyes, like Fred Hocker suggest or similar to example I gave you. It will be more accurate solution.
Currently you have regular blocks... which are beautiful blocks from Dry Dock... but I would really consider change and make deadeyes
Also, while you will be destroying your work when changing blocks to deadeyes you can serve piece of rope and do proper stropping for lower deadeye, which sits on bowsprit
I guess I will be always this guy in forum who comes and spoil the fun by trying to convince others to change things already made
@Steef66 will know how grouchy I am
BTW... which thread you are using for ropes? Are you using bitumen for colouring? Ropes looks really good
Mon Amie, you gotta stop blaming or unrecognized yourself! Yes, that time passed! Just proudly say, yea that's ME, myself! If you will not say this, your work will say it for you. You still learn though, in fact, we all do, but there is something we already can learn directly from your work.I wasn't expecting (or deserving)!